Open. Allow. Receive. Three simple words which transform talk to action, creating a new life path.
Open. Allow. Receive. Steps to bring heart and mind together for today and tomorrow, supporting release of whatever no longer serves.
Talking is easy.
Actions more challenging.
Shifting out-dated habits and ill-serving beliefs — seemingly impossible sometimes.
When you are conscious of yourself and want to actively choose the path of your life, the urge towards transformation can be consuming.
The road block is both simple and huge: How?
In the last couple of months, I have experienced this urge firsthand as I have let go of my family unit of three: a marriage, a husband, a home and a way of life.
Constantly I have pondered, “Cheryl, what do you want?”
The answers have helped me open to new perspectives and possibilities.
At each turn, the answering challenge was to let go of old habits and stories, and allow the unexpected and the unknown to transform my life.
And while this may have felt like a brand new peak experience, transformation is not complete until I receive the learning and integrated it into my everyday life.
Open. Allow. Receive.
Open to the amazing motion of my heart.
Allow my mind to embrace the unknown and the brand new.
Receive the joy, the release of stress, the new way of engaging with life.
All because I ask, “What do I want in my life?”
My new mantra, my new point of view, my new way of being.
Heart and mind working together for today and tomorrow, supporting me to let go of whatever no longer serves me.
Ask yourself, “What do I want in my life?”
Then resist the urge to run away, to blame, to judge.
Instead allow yourself to explore a new path.
Open. Allow. Receive.
Open. Allow. Receive: A lot of my writing comes from what and how I am aware of my inner landscape and my personal work. You can find more articles like this here: For Body, Mind, Heart & Soul.