Akashic Records Defined

Akashic Records Defined: four innovative levels of definitions to understand the Akashic Records as the soul’s spiritual practice.

When I was in the process of writing my first book on the Akashic Records, I challenged myself to perfectly define the Akashic Records.

I wrote possibilities on index cards, hanging the cards on my office wall, all hopeful auditions. I narrowed the field and then in a brainstorm added 15 more possibilities which was reduced to only 5 — again. I spent several months in this pursuit trying out each on friends, students, and people I just met.

Finally, it occurred to me I was on a fool’s errand.

The truth came to me: there is no one perfect definition! Why?

Depending on your experience and understanding of the Akashic Records, there are different ways to describe the Akashic Records. Someone with no experience will understand differently than someone with extensive experience.

With this discovered freedom, I have developed a series of definitions which drill down into the experience and energy of the Akashic Records.

Akashic Records Defined #1:

Elevator Speech Definition

You know that eternal part of yourself? Your soul?

Well, as that part makes its way through the time and space of the universe, it creates an energetic record.

This record is your Akashic Record.

Opening your Akashic Record is stepping into the energetic origin of your soul and looking at your life from your soul’s point of view.

This definition is the Elevator Speech Definition — short, simple, and introduces three very important concepts:

Important Concept #1.1

Moves away from the book in a heavenly library perspective.  While the book/library metaphor isn’t completely wrong, it is limiting, creating boundaries where energetically none exist.

Important Concept #1.2

Brings in the concept that the Akashic Records are understood by understanding energy.

This is very important because this is the beginning of letting go of the common limits inadvertently associated with the Akashic Records.

Important Concept #1.3

Opens the door to begin to think from the soul’s perspective.  Much thought, even spiritual concepts, are either confined to or only considered from the body/physical point of view.  This isn’t wrong; it’s just not the only perspective.

Let’s try this definition again:

You know that eternal part of yourself? Your soul?

Well, as that part makes its way through the time and space of the universe, it creates an energetic record.

This record is your Akashic Record.

Opening your Akashic Record is stepping into the energetic origin of your soul and looking at your life from your soul’s point of view.

Please feel free to use when a friend asks, “The Akashic Records? What’s that?”

Akashic Records Defined #2:

Personal Experience Definition

When you stand on the outside of something, all you can see is the outside.  The idea which applies is don’t judge a book by its cover.  It’s only after you have opened and read, that you can know the inside.

The Akashic Records are the same.  You need experience.  At least an Akashic Record Reading , though your own personal experience of opening your own Akashic Records is more authoritative.  This way you aren’t just an armchair quarterback.  You speak from experience and from a deeper level of understanding.

This second definition is a report from the inside from someone like me who has been there and has quite a bit of experience discerning the difference between what is the Akashic Records and what is not.

First, you might want to read How the Akashic Records Work to get a short introduction to my explanation of the energy flow and its effects of the Akashic Records.

Let me offer you the definition and then I’ll break it down.

The Akashic Records are:

an energetic bridge between spiritual and physical,

a dynamic archive of past, present and future,

an infinite flow of eternal knowing,

an eternal source of healing balance, and

a spiritual practice available to everyone.

Important Concept #2.1

Like the first definition, this second one begins with the idea of energy.

This is incredibly important to deeper understanding because this is what unhooks the experience of the Akashic Records from linear, physical reality.  This is important because the Akashic Records aren’t a product of Physical Reality.  The Akashic Records are a flow of divine knowing through the energy flow of All That Is.  Heady I know!  But here we are at the second definition and it’s time to get serious and dive deep.

Important Concept #2.2

The bridge connects physical and spiritual.

A flow of divine knowing through the energy flow of All That Is.  This means that the Akashic Records not only has both spiritual and physical aspects, the Akashic Records are a powerful connection between spiritual and physical.

Important Concept #2.3

A dynamic archive!

Let me quickly explain.  Most perspectives about the Akashic Records consider the Akashic Records from what I call the static view.  Meaning that their definitions and understandings are limited by the linear and the chronological.  The static view sees all creation as past, present and future – a flat timeline. 

In contrast, the dynamic view considers that everything is energy and all energy, both potential and form, is of the infinite and eternal.  The dynamic view is beyond time and space, yet encompasses time and space.  Thus, as dynamic archive, the Akashic Records communicates within the infinite and eternal and is not limited to the static, linear view.

Important Concept #2.4

Knowing, healing balance, and spiritual practice. 

Infinitely more than all information past, present and future, the Akashic Records reveal knowing from the point of view of divine source.  Yes, there is an incredible volume of information – but that’s not a limit, that’s a beginning.  The energetic perspective of the Akashic Records offers balance with the 100% potential of All That Is.  Coming into balance with this energy flow is an experience we feel as healing.  Then learning to stand within this great unknown AND trusting yourself is the soul’s spiritual practice.  Not a parlor trick, a serious source of exploration and understanding for each individual.

Important Concept #2.5

Available to Everyone!

Yep!  The Akashic Records are not reserved for gurus, ascended masters, or perfected human beings.  The Akashic Records are available to all who will approach, make the required Agreements, and make a serious effort to learn the process of accessing the Akashic Records.

Learning to open your own Akashic Records takes you on a serious and important spiritual journey.  Giving yourself the opportunity for this type of serious study helps you find the deeper road where you will begin to experience what I have described in this definition.

Let’s look at the definition again:

The Akashic Records are:

an energetic bridge between spiritual and physical,

a dynamic archive of past, present and future,

an infinite flow of eternal knowing,

an eternal source of healing balance, and

a spiritual practice available to everyone.

Akashic Records Defined #3:

Deep Dive Definition

One of my intentions in my work with the Akashic Records is to change the fundamental understanding of what the Akashic Records are and can become.

The Akashic Records are not static.  The Akashic Records are part of the active creative motion of All That Is.  Not carved in stone for all eternity, never changing.  Not pre-written, waiting to be read.  Not a container or a book or a library.  Instead an active energy flow of divine knowing available to all.

This third definition relies on the energy metaphor described in most of my Akashic Records books and this article.  This is why I don’t lead with this one because it is reaching deep into a new energetic perspective with which most are unfamiliar.

Let’s give it a shot and then I’ll break it down.

The Akashic Records are a focus of intent
held within Non-Physical Reality which creates a direct conduit
first to your own divine knowing and
then through your knowing to all knowing, infinite and eternal.

Or to say it another way:

Energetically the Akashic Records are a focused intention of divine knowing
so that human beings may have access to the knowing flow beyond physical form.

Important Concept #3.1

The same bridge seen from each end!

The first part of the definition describes the flow from the human point of view: specifically from where we are in Physical Reality to Non-Physical Reality (the arena of divine consciousness beyond the quantum potential). 

Whereas the second part of the definition describes the Akashic Records from the other end of the bridge, from the perspective of Non-Physical Reality.  A bridge between manifest reality and divine mind.  A connection between the physical here and now and All That Is of divine source.

Important Concept #3.2

The Akashic Records are more than information! 

The energy continuum of All That Is flows from potential to form.  At the form end of the continuum is information.  Information is energy taken form. 

At the other end of the continuum, I describe information as potential using the word knowing.  Knowing is the capacity to be aware of what you know.  It is a gathering, an emergence from the unknown and the unknowable of what you can hold in knowing now.  Because the Akashic Records are intended to be a bridge between potential and form, this knowing is of divine source and through the Akashic Records we can be consciously aware of this connection with divine knowing.

Important Concept #3.3

It’s all about intention!

Neither an accident of energy or a coincidence of connection, the Akashic Records exist within the intention to share or connect human awareness with the knowing of All That Is.  Though we are physical beings, we are learning to integrate the physical with the spiritual.  This integration is greater than the sum of its parts and we are learning now how we can expand our knowing and the experience of our lives through this ascending integration.

Seen as something more than a book or an archive of information, from an energetic point of view, the Akashic Records exist in this moment to help us understand and embrace the deepest parts of our spiritual being within the infinite and eternal aspects of All That Is.

Akashic Records Defined #4:

The Soul’s Spiritual Practice Definition

After more than 20 years of experience with the Akashic Records, I know that definitions are never perfect and always shifting. This happens because neither learning nor experience are static. The path of the Akashic Records is rich, diverse, and empowering especially when understood as an energy flow from soul origin. I will conclude with this definition:

Neither fad nor self-help,

the Akashic Records are the soul’s spiritual practice,

elevating life experience beyond expectation and fear

into the farthest reaches of our deepest selves.

Thus, simply defined, the Akashic Records are your soul’s spiritual practice.

Because the energetic depths of the Akashic Records offers a view from the origin of your soul, you move from the limits of the static, linear black and white view into a dynamic awareness of the infinite and eternal possibilities of this moment.

As your soul’s spiritual practice, the Akashic Records provide a sacred, soul connection.

Connection with your Akashic Records also provides the support to create a firm foundation from which you learn to trust yourself to find your own truth. The experience of trust helps you feel a balance within that radiates outwards as balance with all. This integration of truth and balance helps you find the deep awareness of wholeness of self and of soul with source.

The sacred nature of this connection also provides a bridge to the indescribable boundlessness of the divine. In awe of All That IS, with the Akashic Records you may experience the entire continuum of universal energy from self and soul to divine source.

Reaching this deep within you shifts everything in your life. You release limiting beliefs and the pain and anger of trauma, blame and fear. You let go of whatever no longer serves you now.

This simplicity bears repeating:

Neither fad nor self-help,

the Akashic Records are the soul’s spiritual practice,

elevating life experience beyond expectation and fear

into the farthest reaches of our deepest selves.

May you find peace within your soul and learn to experience its truth and beauty.

For it is through your personal journey that ultimately the Akashic Records are defined.

For more information here on my website about the Akashic Records, begin with this primary page:

Understand the Akashic Records.

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Cheryl Marlene
Cheryl Marlene, Akashic Mystic, is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work. She is the world’s authority on the Akashic Records and consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through readings, research, and executive programs. Student learn to access the Akashic Records through ZENITH, her comprehensive four-level learning program, and her signature classic, The Akashic Records Masterclass. In the field of consciousness, she is known as a futurist, innovator, and master teacher who delivers life-changing lessons with warmth and humor. Her powerful exploration is cutting edge -- providing you with deep insight today to ignite your vision for tomorrow.

Headshot of Cheryl Marlene, Spiritual Guide in the Akashic Records

A mystic, futurist, and trailblazer in spiritual consciousness and the Akashic Records, Cheryl is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work.

Cheryl has expanded the collective understanding of the Akashic Records beyond the outdated myths of yesterday into a dynamic healing spiritual practice of divine and human consciousness. She consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through one-on-one sessions, extensive research, and future-driven, strategic business development.

Cheryl’s clients and students know her as a relatable, funny, everyday person who loves red dresses, urban fantasy books, and skinny margaritas. When she is not hard at work on her next book, she is on the hiking trail listening to the beauty of nature and the heartbeat of the mountain.

Through her journey, she has distilled her intention for life to these seven words: BELIEVE. Laugh. Learn. Love. Be. Become. Always.