When you look at alignment, balance, and connection, there is much that can come from seeing how awareness reflects and helps direct attention toward transformation and transmutation and toward the motion and effects of transformation and transmutation.
Within the context of spiritual-physical integration, alignment is resonance.
Thus, integration is not about judging either structure or essence.
The context of alignment comes through awareness.
Choice is the inner ability to trust self to decide or select.
Balance comes when this aspect of self-trust is settled into body, mind, heart, and soul.
When the feeling that truth is alienated to the outside or the situation where decision feels coerced and forced beyond self-truth, choice doesn’t feel possible or attainable.
Without choice, there is no balance.
Allowing is about receiving the flow without expectation, blame, fear, or judgment (EBFJ).
Allowing is a state of receiving connection.
In this openness, awareness is not focused on the doingness of control.
Allowing has moved beyond the control of if-then. For example, if I do X, I get Y.
Doingness questions and focuses on the static motion of if-then.
Allowing exists within the dynamic knowing of connection.
Spiritual practice with Alignment, Balance, Connection.
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Cheryl Marlene, Akashic Mystic, is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work. She is the world’s authority on the Akashic Records and consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through readings, research, and executive programs. Student learn to access the Akashic Records through ZENITH, her comprehensive four-level learning program, and her signature classic, The Akashic Records Masterclass. In the field of consciousness, she is known as a futurist, innovator, and master teacher who delivers life-changing lessons with warmth and humor. Her powerful exploration is cutting edge -- providing you with deep insight today to ignite your vision for tomorrow.
A mystic, futurist, and trailblazer in spiritual consciousness and the Akashic Records, Cheryl is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work.
Cheryl has expanded the collective understanding of the Akashic Records beyond the outdated myths of yesterday into a dynamic healing spiritual practice of divine and human consciousness. She consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through one-on-one sessions, extensive research, and future-driven, strategic business development.
Cheryl’s clients and students know her as a relatable, funny, everyday person who loves red dresses, urban fantasy books, and skinny margaritas. When she is not hard at work on her next book, she is on the hiking trail listening to the beauty of nature and the heartbeat of the mountain.
Through her journey, she has distilled her intention for life to these seven words: BELIEVE. Laugh. Learn. Love. Be. Become. Always.