How can Affirmations Help?

How can Affirmations Help? Primarily an affirmation helps shifts your energy around self-beliefs, habits, and self-understanding. In this article are go into depth of how this is a powerful spiritual practice.

Calm your critical voice.

Within your mind is a voice commenting on everything you have done and said, thought and felt, with a negative and derogatory tone which can be flat-out mean. This critical voice wants to convince you that somehow, growth and change in life is not possible for you.

The critical voice is the constant inner rambling of all that is wrong, silly, stupid, misguided, and more about you. The mission of your critical voice is to convince you that you are not capable or that what you want is impossible. Under the influence of the critical voice, there is no hope, no reason to dream, no point in growing and learning.

The critical voice likes to be in control and fill the mind with its snarky remarks and false ideas: “You are stupid. You are easily fooled. You don’t know anything. You are useless.” On and on, the critical voice tries to convince that it is right and all else, especially you, is wrong.

The noise of the critical voice drowns out your inner voice of truth which powers personal learning and growth. This inner voice comes from the balance of you and your heart and mind. This voice of clarity supports growth, learning, and positive, pro-active choices.

As words of personal power, affirmations will over time drown out the critical voice and give strength to speak personal truth.

Affirmations shift negative thoughts in a positive direction, releasing the hold of the critical voice.

As you become more aware of yourself, you will become aware of your critical voice. You’ll become aware of the negative self-talk and how this voice supports thoughts, feelings, and beliefs which are no longer helpful.

The practice of affirmations is the most powerful choice to combat, release, and banish the negative back talk. Affirmations become the best go-to response when the critical voice pipes up. Affirmations overcome fear and resistance while filling the void with positive energy and point you forward into a new life of possibility..

By repeating an affirmations out loud daily, the critical voice is countered with the balanced truth of new thoughts and ideas. An affirmation voices personal truth and begins to shift the contents of mind away from the erroneous notions of the critical voice.

As the critical voice quiets, the balanced voice of heart and mind begin to have room to guide and support healing and learning. This positive atmosphere shifts all levels of awareness and counters the unconscious aspects of the critical voice.

Affirmations are not a magic pill which make everything perfect immediately. Your critical voice has been working your entire life so some time and effort on your part is required. However, with some consistency, you will begin to notice change within. Life will feel lighter and your outlook will shift to a much deeper sense of clarity and understanding.

I find clarity by releasing my critical voice.

Counter the critical voice with truth.

Constantly feeling stupid or thoughtless or fearful? While these feelings may be present, they are not a true representation of your whole, awesome self. Often these feelings come from habits created within past trauma and pain. Negative thoughts drown out, cover up, misdirect away from the truth of your essential self.

During self-growth, when learning is put into resonating words, a wonderful self-support system is created. The positive character of an affirmation describes truth, countering negative beliefs with positive statements of truth. The likelihood that this new perspective described in the affirmation will stay is substantially increased by using the affirmation in a consistent daily practice.

I counter my critical voice with my truth.

Reverse negative self-belief.

As you move through life, you pick up negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself which can undermine personal progress forward. These negative beliefs dig in deep, disguised as fact, capable of deflecting attention to the belief though still influential and harmful.

At other times, the negative beliefs take center stage, interrupting motion forward, while the critical voice’s venom fuels the negativity.

Affirmations counter negative self-belief by shining a light on the untrue and the unsupportive. The words of the affirmation state new belief which support your ability to learn and use this learning as a powerful vehicle for transforming your life.

I have the power to reverse negative self-belief.

Find power in saying truth out loud.

Affecting all levels of self, body, mind, heart and soul, speaking out loud is the most powerful challenge to the false beliefs of the critical voice. The speaking voice, as it says an affirmation, upholds truth and affirms healing and balance. The physical response affects the condition and quality of every aspect of the physical body and releases the energy of negative belief held literally in the cells of the body.

Speak to transform. Speak to integrate. Speak to be at Hell, Yes, I Can!

I find my power by saying truth out loud.

A positive spiritual practice, easy to accomplish.

Affirmations don’t need fancy cushions or expensive mats to be effective. They also don’t require years of practice to realize benefit because benefit comes immediately in your first affirmation. Quietly and quickly repeatable throughout the day, all that might be needed is a visual reminder of your affirmation.

To transform my life, I can easily incorporate affirmations as a daily practice.

Reinforce self-growth and spiritual practice.

On the spiritual journey, spiritual practice and experience help identify something — a thought, a belief, a habit, a story — which is no longer helpful. Letting go may be a simple decision to move in a different direction. Or more intense focus may be helpful through additional avenues such as meditation, acupuncture, energy healing, Akashic Record Readings, prayer, or mindfulness to work through and release the blocks which stand in the way of learning and healing. Whatever the personal experience, using an affirmation to reinforce and to both initialize and finalize the shift of the learning and healing is a powerful way to insure the change and growth of your journey.

In  life’s journey, my learning fuels expanded growth.

Shift your field of habit in a new and supportive direction.

Repeated often, the negative beliefs of the critical voice become habit. Accustomed to thinking of self as stupid or useless — or whatever it is that the critical voice is pushing — increases the difficulty of learning and growth. Beliefs of all kinds collect together within your field of habit. The harmful and outdated beliefs can negatively influence personal perspective unless the habit is challenged and the negative belief released.

The words of an affirmation take the words of habit and flip them into a positive direction. I can’t do anything becomes I am learning that I am capable. I hate myself becomes I am learning that I am worthy of love.

Through personal choice, I shift habit to support my truth and claim my personal power.

Tip the scales of personal balance into transformation.

When an old pattern of belief or habit is released and a shift towards a new way of understanding self is embraced, the scales of inner balance are tipped in the new, desired direction. The goal is forward motion to go beyond the tipping point and firmly into the new direction.

Affirmations provide the extra nudge to shift the energy of the field of habit into the new direction. Daily repetition with affirmations reinforces the change toward a 100% shift.

That’s the energetic effect of affirmations: a complete shift to fully integrate new understanding of self and transform life experience.

My inner shift leads to personal transformation.

Affirmations are expressions of your willingness to open, allow, receive, and learn.

In each moment of saying an affirmation, mind and heart are opening to new possibility and new pathways. The repetition allows various levels of meaning and understanding to come forward, ready to be received. Affirmations help learning be personal and focused on the self. The overall effect of any affirmation practice is restorative balance, a new sense of self-trust, and the expansion of positive self-belief.

My personal learning is transformational because I open, allow, and receive.

Speak to balance across all levels, body, mind, heart, and soul.

In repeating an affirmation, words touch all aspects of your energy – body, mind, heart, and soul. New affirmations come from your learning trajectory, guiding growth to new levels of awareness and contemplation. Affirmations connect with personal energy flow and support movement, rather than the stagnation desired by the critical voice and the doubt instilled over a life time.

The energy of negative self-talk holds the seeds of growth, transformation, and integration. What seems simple has a ripple effect and deeper shift than might be expected..

My voice of truth creates balance and alignment through all of me, body, mind, heart, and soul.

Give voice to your soul’s truth.

As the intention of an affirmation practice deepens, the affirmation itself becomes part of the soul’s voice and expression, bringing awareness from the unconscious, expanding awareness, and offering opportunities for new learning and growth. A new habit is established within, finding guidance from within the heart. The critical voice fades to a tiny, occasional peep. Your learning is infused by the depth of your soul, awakens self-truth, and opens connection to your Power-Within.

I hear my soul’s truth.

Finally, affirmations connect soul learning with the heart’s truth, the body’s wisdom, and the mind’s clarity.

Life is a search for truth within the heart and mind, body and soul.

When the critical voice is in control or when you are afraid or doubtful, the search for truth leads outside of self because the critical voice instills the belief that truth can only be found outside, with an expert.

You are not enough, contends that voice. You should not be trusted. You must not rely on yourself.  Rather, you are compelled to search elsewhere for truth.

Affirmations help transcend this outward motion, shifting instead to looking for truth first within the balance of heart and mind, body and soul. Affirmations support awareness of the soul’s natural expression, offering guidance to follow personal truth found at center and in your inner voice of truth.

Affirmations clear the cob webs in your mind. The clutter which accumulates through the trials and pain of life. The words of personal power instilled in an affirmation releases the clutter and brings clarity to your mind.

Affirmations also incorporate the body’s wisdom. The best affirmation in the moment is the one which resonates – which literally feels right. As the fog of the critical voice begins to clear and you begin to accept your personal power, you realize that all of you is capable of guiding yourself forward.

Your personal process of transformation and empowerment happens over and over again. You have now found your way to hearing truth and wisdom from body, mind, heart, and soul.

Affirmations power personal transformation and stand witness as you claim your Power-Within..

I trust the truth and wisdom of my body, mind, heart, and soul.

This is a short piece I have written for a new book on Affirmations. Read more in this column: A View from the Boundlessness.

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Cheryl Marlene
Cheryl Marlene, Akashic Mystic, is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work. She is the world’s authority on the Akashic Records and consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through readings, research, and executive programs. Student learn to access the Akashic Records through ZENITH, her comprehensive four-level learning program, and her signature classic, The Akashic Records Masterclass. In the field of consciousness, she is known as a futurist, innovator, and master teacher who delivers life-changing lessons with warmth and humor. Her powerful exploration is cutting edge -- providing you with deep insight today to ignite your vision for tomorrow.

Headshot of Cheryl Marlene, Spiritual Guide in the Akashic Records

A mystic, futurist, and trailblazer in spiritual consciousness and the Akashic Records, Cheryl is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work.

Cheryl has expanded the collective understanding of the Akashic Records beyond the outdated myths of yesterday into a dynamic healing spiritual practice of divine and human consciousness. She consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through one-on-one sessions, extensive research, and future-driven, strategic business development.

Cheryl’s clients and students know her as a relatable, funny, everyday person who loves red dresses, urban fantasy books, and skinny margaritas. When she is not hard at work on her next book, she is on the hiking trail listening to the beauty of nature and the heartbeat of the mountain.

Through her journey, she has distilled her intention for life to these seven words: BELIEVE. Laugh. Learn. Love. Be. Become. Always.