Part One of The Energetics of Well-Being
As human, you are energy:
An infinite and eternal flow of energy held within the infinite and eternal boundlessness of All That Is.
Everything is Energy.
All energy flows eternally on an infinite continuum from potential to form, returning, when intention is met, to potential.
As human, you, too, are energy, an infinite and eternal flow of energy held within the infinite and eternal boundlessness of All That Is.
From the one unbounded source, you are a unique expression of divine energetic flow.
The Divine Boundlessness expresses as infinite and eternal energy dynamics, beyond the confines of the static, linear perspective. Divine Boundlessness is the dynamic unbounded; both knowable and unknowable, without conflict, without suppression, without limit — the transcendent perspective which you may glimpse, yet always remains just outside your ability to know in totality.
To actively participate in the divine dynamics of All That Is, you emerge from the boundlessness as an individual flow moving with deeply held intention for your potential to take form. As a physical being, you are the realization of this intention. You are here to deepen your understanding and claim the entirety of self held within the infinite and eternal boundless flow.
Wellness, from a physical point of view, is a testing of the sense and feeling of the physical being. More and more, humanity is enlarging the sense of wellness to include a sense of the spiritual — where the spiritual provides a path of awareness of self beyond, or no longer limited by, the physical. Within this expanded view, you can consider the energetics of wellness from a physically and spiritually integrated point of view.
In this integrated energetic perspective, Well-Being is about Balance and Flow. By looking at these concepts from a physically and spiritually integrated point of view, instead of a solely physical perspective, doors open to a deeper understanding of Well-Being and to a deeper journey in understanding self within the view of the Divine.