A View From the Boundlessness is an effort on my part to describe what it is like for me to connect with the Akashic Records day after day. For me, the Akashic Records are not a thing or a location — for me they are an experience of the boundless transcendence. Just this side of indescribable. A mystic experience which may not make much sense to the rationality of the mind. Instead is an experience of deep heart connection.
As I look around me, I see nothing but wide open ocean.
An ocean of possibility.
I am in and of the boundlessness.
In the very first moment of viewing, I gasp with a bit of dismay.
And then I realize I am here with intention.
I am here because this is me.
I am connected, part of all I see.
Joy bubbles up and I do my happy dance.
Goofy, silly, wonderful me!
With awe and excitement, I breathe in all the amazing possibility for me.
In this moment I have choice across this vast spectrum which extends beyond the horizon of my knowing.
Another breath in and I connect with my heart to show me where I am and feel into a possible next step.
I have travelled long and hard to claim awareness in this which is neither time nor space.
The Boundlessness is both alpha and omega where the journey is never done.
My beginning always follows my arrival, starting where I just concluded.
Today I notice overwhelming fear is no longer my experience.
I am no longer paralyzed by the infinite possibility within this moment.
I have let go of so much.
My insistence that I do exactly the right thing.
My driven need to control as a way to avoid hurt and pain.
My now released belief that I will get the journey done.
Bags and bags and bags of traumatic moments, disappointment turned to self-recrimination, worry about future pain, anger at self and other, and the insistence on perfect behavior and response.
All of this flotsam floating away, illuminated as the gifts of life’s experience.
I am blessed.
The blood of my life has consecrated this placelessness, this timelessness, as both integrate into the oneness of this moment where I am.
In the boundlessness.
To be within the boundlessness, this is my journey, this is my life.
For more: Understand the Akashic Records