Akashic Records Explore Workshops
Monthly workshops to strengthen your connection and expand your exploration within the Akashic Records
For student at all levels of study
Akashic Records Explore Workshops are the perfect opportunity to:

Master your technique and understanding of opening the Akashic Records both for yourself and for Other.

Fine tune connection, get questions answered, and master process.

Receive direct, personal assistance and support from me.

Have fun with an international community of students all eager to go deeper and find something more.
These are not beginning workshops where you learn the opening process.
Instead these are exploration workshops meant to help you go deeper and find something more, expanding what you are learning no matter the level of study you are at.
Plus, when you first begin your journey with the Akashic Records, you can feel somewhat isolated and can feel that venturing out of your private space is challenging and may not be helpful. These workshops bring you out of your shell to find trust and worthiness.
As you continue into the deeper layers, having monthly group work and discussion offers focused experience, expands capacity, and provides reassurance by connecting with other students learning just like you.
Know the connection with me and the other students in these workshops will support you to move forward, move deeper, and move beyond.
Listen. Observe. Feel. Ask. Learn.
There are two types of Explore Workshops open to all students!
Explore Your Life
Here we drill down into personal topics of growth, expansion, and understanding.
From how to deal with fear to how to expand trust.
From positive money mindset to life purpose and strategic life goals.
From dealing with global change to finding your path of joy and peace.
No stone goes unturned.
While this section will be focused mostly toward opening your Akashic Records, I will organize reading exchange during the workshop depending on the students present.
Explore Your Life is scheduled monthly on a Friday at 6pm Central or Saturday at 9am Central. Topics are announced 2-3 months in advance.
Like all workshops and classes, we gather via Zoom.

Explore the Mysteries
Explore the Mysteries leaps into the outer reaches of divine assistance, non-human energy, and universal mystery.
Yes, we will open the Records for fellow students.
And we will explore various aspects of the Akashic Records from Akasha and Ancient Mother to the Founders of the Akashic Records and the Hall of Ancient Wisdom.
From the energy of weather to the dynamics of time, there isn’t a limit — there is only amazement and deep connection.
While this section will primarily focus on opening the Akashic Records for Other, work in your Akashic Records is possible during this workshop.
Explore the Mysteries is scheduled monthly on a Friday at 6pm Central or Saturday at 9am Central. Topics are announced 2-3 months in advanced.
Like all workshops and classes, we gather via Zoom.
Akashic Records Explore Workshops are for all Akashic Records Intensive students at no additional charge.
Anyone studying my method of opening the Akashic Records is also welcome to attend. I use Name-Your-Price pricing to support accessibility for everyone no matter where you are located in the world.




After you register, you will receive a confirmation email and then 24 hours before there will be a reminder email. Both emails contain the Zoom link to use to connect to class. Please arrive 5 minutes early.
To Register: Choose the format you’d like to attend, and click REGISTER.