Truth Resonates in the Akashic Records by Cheryl Marlene

Truth Resonates in the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records, especially when experienced as knowing, healing, and spiritual practice, are more than objective, they are also subjective. This means that truth is in the eye of the beholder. What is true for you may not be true for me. And, only you can clearly identify what is truth for you. Truth resonates …

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Trust, Belief, and the Akashic Records by Cheryl Marlene

Trust, Belief, and the Akashic Records

Trust emerges as belief from reliability. As a beginner, limited in experience with the Akashic Records, I didn’t feel either strong belief or solid reliability. Initially, when a response sounded like me, I didn’t have enough experience to decide whether it was just me or truly from the Akashic Records. Frustrated and confused, several times …

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Joy, Trust, and the Akashic Records by Cheryl Marlene

Joy, Trust, and the Akashic Records

Process creates foundation. Practice and experience strengthen process. Trust builds, truth emerges. As you journey in your Akashic Records: Honor and respect yourself. Allow your firm foundation to provide support and knowing. Step forward in trust, finding joy in your life. This is an excerpt from Cheryl’s book, Open Your Akashic Records.

The Challenge of the Akashic Records by Cheryl Marlene

The Challenge of the Akashic Records

Learning to open your Akashic Records is, surprisingly, more challenging than opening for another. When you open the Akashic Records, you are holding the sacred space of the Reading, receiving the flow of energy, and transmitting this energy and information as best you can. When you do this for yourself, you add an extra step: …

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Akashic Records Blessing: by Cheryl Marlene

Akashic Records Blessing

The Akashic Records Blessing is one of the three elements required to open the Akashic Records. There is a blessing for yourself and a blessing for Other. The intention of the blessing is to create a connection with divine knowing, to provide a threshold beyond the mind, beyond the physical. The blessing brings heart and …

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I am at Peace by Cheryl Marlene

I am at Peace

I am at Peace is an affirmation that I turn to frequently — especially when I find myself dealing with the unknown and the unexpected. The unknown is inescapable. Part of life. Part of every moment of experience. The choice in how to respond to the inevitable is yours – always. When the unknown makes …

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Soul Perspective of Energy by Cheryl Marlene

Soul Perspective of Energy

What can we learn from the soul perspective of energy? When energy is viewed from the perspective of the soul, the flow of energy can be seen in a very new and different light. Chakras and meridians provide a great view from the body’s point of view. Stepping into the soul shifts the perspective from …

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Letting Go of Scraps by Cheryl Marlene

Letting Go of Scraps

I’m letting go of scraps. Which is also to say that I’m letting go of making do.

Create the Career You Love by Cheryl Marlene

Create the Career You Love

Create the career you love: begin with you! One of the most popular reasons for an Akashic Record Reading is assistance in finding a job or a new career. A common inquiry goes something like this: I’m looking for a job.I don’t know where I fit in and I’m not sure what I want.What I …

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Getting to Safety by Cheryl Marlene

Getting to Safety

Leaning into uncertainty . . . I’ve done this in one way or another my entire life. Sometimes not just a lean. More like a leap. Other times, a shrinking back. Still others, an attempt at denial. Without getting into details, in my earliest childhood I experienced several traumatic episodes. Worse than bad. Not as …

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Thankful for Connection By Cheryl Marlene

Thankful for Connection

Got a question for you! Who in your life are you thankful for? Because of my work, I meet and connect with lots of people in a day, a week, a month, a year. Lots of these folks I meet once and never again. But no matter, I am very thankful for that moment of …

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My Nine by Cheryl Marlene

My Nine

What’s important in your life? I like to ask myself questions to focus on my life’s direction and to help me understand within a broad view and a closer look. To do this I have created what I call My Nine. I choose three related questions. In asking the questions, I brainstorm a bit and …

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Life Unfettered by Cheryl Marlene

Life Unfettered

Whenever I begin writing, I always investigate the etymology of any focus words which are part of my story. Fetter. A chain or manacle especially for the feet. Unfettered. Literally to be released from the binding of the chain or manacle. Life unfettered. A life lived free from restraint or inhibition. To fierce self-care, I …

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Life Purpose by Cheryl Marlene

Life Purpose

Life is the journey of experience lived moment to moment. Life purpose is not something I am told. Life purpose is discovery and experience of my life in this moment.   Like soul purpose, life purpose is an incredible expression of the depth and breadth of who I am as a manifested being. This is …

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Party of One by Cheryl Marlene

Party of One

I’ve done something really huge for myself. I’ve put me first. Usually, I defer to other, giving them the benefit of the doubt. I’m not saying that I shouldn’t seek to understand. No. I’m saying that my default position is to give up on what I want in the face of trouble on the other …

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In Presence with My Akashic Records by Cheryl Marlene

In Presence with My Akashic Records

After many years of experience with the Akashic Records, I still seek out Readings for myself — why? Simple. Presence. When someone opens my Records for me, I am free to show up for me within the presence. Presence in the Akashic Records is often overlooked when the need to know becomes painfully intense. This …

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Fierce Self Care by Cheryl Marlene

Fierce Self-Care

Fierce Self-care. This is my focus for 2019. Not because I’m just learning to take care of myself. This is my focus because I want to acknowledge all my hard work over the last seven years. I want to give myself incentive to not give up or back away. Maybe you know a bit about …

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Gratitude for Connection not Perfection by Cheryl Marlene

Gratitude for Connection Not Perfection

As the year draws to a close, time to turn my attention towards the new year. I am beginning by first taking an attitude of gratitude to my life this past year. Thinking about what I’ve done, where I’ve traveled, friends and events along the way, I want to first remember and then I want …

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Touched by Cheryl Marlene


I sit on the sofa’s edge, rigid, hands on knees, feeling lost to myself. He sits beside me, carefully reaching out his left hand and resting it gently on my shoulder.
I flinch, the touch breaking my resolve to feel nothing.

Learn Always, Connect Openly by Cheryl Marlene

Learn Always, Connect Openly

My office is in my home and my home is a one-bedroom apartment. I’ve worked from home for more than 15 years and have trained myself to truly work. I’ve learned habits to help me accomplish my professional goals and I’ve learned to let go of house chores which can easily keep me from getting …

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