What is Soul Shift by Cheryl Marlene

What is Soul Shift?

Soul shift happens when you begin to long to understand the deepest part of who you are as an integrated spiritual-physical being. When other paths of self-help are no longer effective, the sacred soul shift of the Akashic Records can support you as you explore the challenges and possibilities of your life. You are ready …

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What is a Witness within the Akashic Records? by Cheryl Marlene

What is a Witness within the Akashic Records?

Within the Akashic Records, it is hugely important to understand that the Reader does not bring his or her opinion to the Reading for Other.  The role of the Akashic Record Reader is always as a witness.

What is Change?

What is Change? Change is an energetic shift which engages our awareness and our choice. Let’s take a look at the process from the perspective of spiritual energy dynamics. How energy works. Everything is energy.  All energy is continuously flowing along a continuum with potential at one end and solid form at the other.  As …

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What is Energy? by Cheryl Marlene

What is Energy?

From the One Source, energy is motion in awareness. One Source is that which has awareness of ALL. Motion is also about differentiation.

What is Anger by Cheryl Marlene

What is Anger?

What is Anger? Many do not have a clear idea about how to deal with this very common emotion. Here I take an energetic perspective to provide a possible path to move beyond. Energetically the flow of Anger has many sources. Generally, it is a flood of the nervous system generated by the Critical Voice and …

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God is Present by Cheryl Marlene

God is Present

I witness the divine presence of God in ALL. Whatever faith is claimed, God is present. Spiritual life is learning to step beyond limits.

Is an Akashic Record Reading Cheating by Cheryl Marlene

Is an Akashic Record Reading Cheating?

Is an Akashic Record Reading Cheating? This is a question no one had ever asked me until the other day. Here’s how our exchange went and why I said no. Client:         Is an Akashic Record Reading cheating? Cheryl:        Cheating?  Like maybe you’re getting the answers on the test or something like that cheating? Client:         Yeah, …

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Life is a Dance by Cheryl Marlene

Life is a Dance

Life is a Dance: not a time for sorrow. A time to claim trust and open to the joy of the dance and the unknown of your next step.

Change is Breakthrough by Cheryl Marlene

Change is Breakthrough

Change is breakthrough! This awareness helped me shift my entire view of life. Change is hard to tolerate in life. We get used to the flow of our lives. And when something shifts, changes, is different, we have to stop and adjust. When the change is particularly challenging, the process will seem a push to …

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What is Mastery as Spiritual Practice by Cheryl Marlene

What is Mastery as Spiritual Practice?

Let’s begin with a definition to answer this question: what is mastery as spiritual practice? Mastery is an inner spiritual process which begins inside of self. When the spiritual journey begins truth is sought outside of self from teachers and voices of authority. This is not necessarily a bad choice. Listening to the experience of …

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The Origin of Love by Cheryl Marlene

The Origin of Love

Within the spiritual energy dynamics of the soul, the origin of love begins in the first moment of soul awareness. The individual soul arises within the divine motion of All That Is. A moment of spontaneity. A moment of vulnerability. A moment of complete trust. There is no hesitation. There is anticipation, excitement, and joy. …

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The Dynamic Recording of the Akashic Records by Cheryl Marlene

The Dynamic Recording of the Akashic Records

Question: What kind of energy vibration or consciousness can record into the Akashic Records? The short answer is that any energy vibration or consciousness “records” into the Akashic Records. There is no limitation. There is no distinction in flows of energy and whether they are in the Akashic Records or not. However, this question reflects …

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Gratitude as Active Awareness by Cheryl Marlene

Gratitude as Active Awareness

I think of gratitude as active awareness. Said another away To give thanks is an active process of awareness. Thankfulness comes from a feeling of connection. Taking a moment to acknowledge thankfulness helps establish awareness of connection. At one point in my journey, my Akashic Records defined gratitude as the active process of acknowledging the …

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In the Face of Fear, Your Choice Changes the World by Cheryl Marlene

In the Face of Fear, Your Choice Changes the World

In the Face of Fear, Your Choice Changes the World – our choice affects us personally and globally – our choice has the power to eliminate fear. Human experience over the last 5000 to 6000 years has been governed by the concept of fear. Power over is about dominance and usually about physical dominance and how …

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Three Essential Steps of Reflection as Spiritual Practice by Cheryl Marlene

Three Essential Steps of Reflection as Spiritual Practice

The three essential steps of reflection are an important spiritual practice. As a spiritual practice, reflection and its essential steps are often skipped over or ignored in favor of meditation. Yet. it is both practical and essential — and indispensable. The focus of reflection is necessary to get to meditation and can often bring into …

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Are the Akashic Records of Hindu Origin by Cheryl Marlene

Are the Akashic Records of Hindu Origin?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the earliest mention in the English language of Akasha, or Akashic, appears in Essays on the Religion and Philosophy of the Hindus, an 1837 book by Henry Thomas Colebrook. Colebrook, an Englishman, went to India in the early 1800s and worked as a judge within the British colonial legal …

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The Entirety of Self by Cheryl Marlene

The Entirety of Self

On your spiritual journey, learning about the entirety and the wholeness of self is the most powerful experience.

Answers Now by Cheryl Marlene

Answers Now

In times of stress, worry, fear, there is often the feeling that if I could just get Answers Now I could take care of whatever the problem might be. This demand for Answers Now comes from many sources, primarily fear and frustration. Energetically frustration comes from a sense of strain, obstacles, resistance, and unmet expectations. …

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Prophetic Origins by Cheryl Marlene

Prophetic Origins

Prophetic Origins, a bit of a play on words, quickly views the history of the prophet, bringing ancient wisdom into modern day awareness. Many religions today started from a small but growing group of people listening to a person they revered as prophet, someone who was recognized as uttering superordinary words. The word of the …

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Divine Transcendence of Enoch, Metatron and Thoth by Cheryl Marlene

Divine Transcendence of Enoch, Metatron and Thoth

Genesis, Chapter 5, names the descendants from the first man, Adam: Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah. In each case the name of the descendant is given followed by his son’s name, the number of years each man lived, and concludes with the statement then he died. But of Enoch, Genesis …

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