Hearing Divine Wisdom by Cheryl Marlene

Hearing Divine Wisdom

Hearing divine wisdom is absolutely a matter of trust. Can we trust ourselves to recognize and speak wisdom? Wisdom is not perfection. Wisdom calls forward the divine within allowing the opportunity to give breath to wisdom’s form through words, breathing life into its meaning through story. The living matrix breathes from the living intention bound …

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Blessing of Infinite Calling

I stand always within the Circle of Infinite Possibility. My story always in motion in this moment now. I call upon the four Winds to blow gently into this my life the sense of balance and trust necessary to live life fully and empowered. I call upon the four Directions to provide guideposts to my …

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Balance and Resistance by Cheryl Marlene

Balance and Resistance

Balance Is. From the perspective of All That Is, looking from Non-Physical Reality, Balance is always. Balance describes the natural state of energy within its motion, intention and knowing. Balance is manifested from these three characteristics and is the result of energy and its flow. Balance is the intention All That Is holds for all …

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What is My Truth Today by Cheryl Marlene

What is My Truth Today?

What is My Truth Today? This is a question that has become a question of comfort, a reassuring step in my journey, my own north star. However, this has not always been my experience. As a young woman, I suffered panic attacks. Sometimes, for seemingly no reason, I would begin hyperventilating, unable to catch my …

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Book of the Life and the Akashic Records by Cheryl Marlene

The Book of Life and the Akashic Records

Early in the growing awareness of the Akashic Records, the Akashic Records were associated with the Book of Life as a way of supporting understanding of the possibilities of the Akashic Records.

Walk the Line by Cheryl Marlene

Walk the Line

Walk the Line is a poem I wrote after watching a movie about Johnny Cash and thinking about how the journey of life walks into the unknown and the unexpected.

Attitude of Gratitude by Cheryl Marlene

Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude is an awareness, a reflection on thankfulness. In the last 3 or 4 weeks, I have been thinking a lot about where I have been in my life in the last year and in the last six years.  I have been contemplating the whole flow and thinking about all that I can …

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Soul Strength is Hard to Find by Cheryl Marlene

Soul Strength is Hard to Find

Soul Strength is Hard to Find describes a moment of awareness, a moment of reflection. Early training as a child can very easily erode the ability to trust yourself. Without this trust, life becomes an outside experience where you will feel driven to find truth somewhere other than your heart and soul. Making your way …

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Flora and Jasper by Cheryl Marlene

Flora and Jasper

Recently I have been on a mission to catalog all of my writing. The goal is moving toward more flexibility in how I write and create and to yield a more bountiful offering in my publishing venues.  This mission, so far, has had several unexpected consequences. First, I have been amazed. I have created quite …

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Why Are the Akashic Records Appearing Now by Cheryl Marlene

Why are the Akashic Records Appearing Now?

The entire foundation for human life is changing and for some this change is radical. For others it is welcomed at the deepest levels. Part of this change has to do with how humans perceive and experience what you call spiritual experience. By integrating physical and spiritual, the experience of humanity will shift in all …

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What is Akasha by Cheryl Marlene

What is the Akasha?

What is the Akasha? This is a good question to raise when trying to understand the Akashic Records. The word Akashic means “of, or pertaining to the Akasha.”  Akasha is a Sanskrit word with meaning in all the religions which use Sanskrit as a holy language, including Hinduism, Buddhism and Tibetan Bon.  Within these religions, …

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The Spiritual Importance of Beginners Mind by Cheryl Marlene

The Spiritual Importance of Beginner’s Mind

Your spiritual journey has five steps and in each step there is a primary spiritual concept which supports your learning and growth in that step. The first step is The Call — a knowing that beckons you to follow.  The Call may be very clear in what and why.  Or the Call may be a …

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How to Describe an Akashic Record Reading?

I asked the Akashic Records to describe an Akashic Record Reading.  Here’s what I received! An Akashic Record Reading begins with a request. The energy of this request, whether or not there is clarity about the request, asks for attention to be brought to the deepest part of self. This deepest part is that place …

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Fear Released is Trust by Cheryl Marlene

Fear Released is Trust

F E A R Fear is always about the future. The anticipation of what might happen when, if.  Because of what happened before that might happen tomorrow or the next moment. Fear yanks you from the present moment. In this moment is where your power emerges in strength.  In this moment is where you are …

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The Energetics of Being and Becoming by Cheryl Marlene

The Energetics of Being and Becoming

In the flow of All That Is, everything is energy and all energy is always in motion. Thus, the experience of life is both a Being and a Becoming. Being is existence, a moment of now, an instance in the experience of energy as both potential and form. Becoming is a claiming of the potential …

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Five Steps of Your Spiritual Journey by Cheryl Marlene

Five Steps of Your Spiritual Journey

Five Steps of Your Spiritual Journey describes the rhythm and cycles of your journey. The five steps which make up the spiritual journey help you find a practical way to make sense of the ebb and flow of your journey and your life. These five steps repeat over and over again in each moment, in …

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Facing the Future Full Frontal by Cheryl Marlene

Facing the Future, Full Frontal

Facing the future, full frontal. This is how I suggest we face the new year. This is why I make this suggestion. A provocative term, full frontal. About baring all your bits in public without cover. I am not suggesting that this is your year to embrace going out in only your God-given covering. I …

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Believe in Yourself by Cheryl Marlene

Believe in Yourself!

Believe in Yourself! This is the beginning and this is the point you return to for understanding and truth. Just like the little engine who could, it takes belief to propel yourself past bumps and obstacles. Self-belief doesn’t guarantee that you will make it over the mountain. But without self-belief, you don’t have the energy …

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