The Pain of Abandonment by Cheryl Marlene

The Pain of Abandonment

Abandonment is the energetic response to feeling emotionally and/or physically left. The paradox is that abandonment usually comes because honest energy flow never truly showed up in the relationship and the absence of honesty was never challenged. The feeling of being abandoned is more a result of a string of actions rather than one primary …

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Open Door by Cheryl Marlene

Open Door

Open Door: every now and then my muse pushes me poetically — much as what happened when I penned this piece.

Ask to Receive

ย  Often when we think of asking for divine assistance, we focus on what we want to ask FOR. In doing so, we can close down our ability to open, allow and receive. To get beyond FOR, the challenge is to turn attention to the larger context of ASK. When seeking divine assistance, Ask to …

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HIking is Heaven by Cheryl Marlene

Hiking Is Heaven

Hiking is Heaven! The beginning, somewhat at odds with the rest of the day, is a concrete parking structure, third floor on the left. We all assemble with excited anticipation. A few known to each other but mostly all strangers, newly assembled with the goal of enjoying a hike. For me, I have joined other …

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Change of Dress by Cheryl Marlene

Change of Dress

Let go came the guidance. Though standing in the middle of yoga, the words felt more like admonishment. Plus, how? I am in the middle of a posture, trying desperately to hold the form, straining muscle, holding in my tummy. What exactly do I let go while remaining in this form?

Hiking and Psalm 23 by Cheryl Marlene

Hiking and Psalm 23

When I learned to read at 6 years old, my proud grandparents celebrated my newly acquired skill by giving me my very own red leather Bible. A Christmas gift offered with a reverence and a respect that I had already learned from both of them. They were so delighted with me and their offering brought me into a circle of knowledge and spiritual connection that they had both known their entire lives. I treasured this gift, willingly shared from the depths of their hearts.

When Men Are Pigs

When men are pigs, what choice do women have? There are many choices including oinking back. For me, I know that often my choice has been to let go of myself so that I can keep some semblance of a man/pig in my life and doing so without acknowledging or confronting the lousy choice I just made for me.

God to My Goddess a poem by Cheryl Marlene

God to My Goddess

God to My Goddess is one of a series of poems that I have written about sacred relationship. There is a give and take which is important within authentic connection between lovers. We anticipate our best at the same time we consider our worth and our ability to show up as the partner we hope is desired and enjoyed.

Your Bags Came Packed a poem by Cheryl Marlene

Your Bags Came Packed

Your Bags Came Packed is a poem I wrote when I thought about what would happen when someone showed up at my door with bags filled with possibilities.

Holding Still Diamond Reflection by Cheryl Marlene

Holding Still, Diamond Reflection

The holding still while staying open is incredibly difficult. I wake to feel kisses on the back of my neck and the warm breath of Him. But this is a Him that has not yet physically appeared in my life.

Human Nature, Mother Nature by Cheryl Marlene

Human Nature, Mother Nature

Cross human nature with Mother Nature and the depth of life experience is intensified. When I touch the earth, her deep soul reaches into my body filling my cells, illuminating my being. When I breathe the forest or feel the ocean’s mist, connection is established which reflects to me my entire experience of stepping out …

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Dating Rumi in the Kitchen by Cheryl Marlene

Dating Rumi in the Kitchen

Dating Rumi in the Kitchen is a cross between my love of the poet Rumi and my dating life — both about sacred relationship.

Calming the Energy of Disbelief

This is the energy of disbelief: you standing on the edge of concern, worry or fear. Disbelief wants to convince you that your worry, fear, concern will come true eventually. Disbelief reaches in and hooks your heart, pushing you to let go of self, of center, of balance. Disbelief wants you to dash your own hopes, your own dreams so that it can guide your life away from your heart.

Keeping Dirty Little Secrets by Cheryl Marlene

Keeping Dirty Little Secrets

When I speak in confidence to another I want to trust that my inner thoughts shared privately are not publicly displayed. My expectation is my secret is kept. Yet underneath is a place where keeping secrets is hurtful and harmful and will undermine the health and integrity of a relationship. Especially when the secret kept hides a truth aching to be revealed.

Defiance to Failure by Cheryl Marlene

Defiance to Failure #2: Small Steps

It would be easy to say that what happened today was coincidence. Meaning that there was simply chance or happenstance involved. A fluke. Instead I believe today was one of synchronicity. For me this means that why it appears that there are no causal links, connections across multiple levels stared me in the face. I couldn?t ignore any of it. For the me the difference between coincidence and synchronicity is that a catalyst is present in the second and not so much in the first. Coincidence happens without intention or pre-planning. Synchronicity is an alignment ignited or sparked by the flow of energy within a situation, often between the folks involved.

Am I too much? by Cheryl Marlene

Am I too much?

If it?s true that my marriage was to a boy who expected me to do the emotional heavy lifting in our relationship, then it follows that I have never been in a mature adult relationship with a man ? especially one who is willing and able to show up and risk sharing vulnerable, emotional intimacy. And if this is true, then it follows that even though I may have the capacity to reciprocate maturely, I have at best limited experience. And, OMG! I don?t want to screw up the next relationship. I don?t want to get in my own way or scare away potentials or fail to recognize reasonable signals because of a lack of experience. My heart feels so open and so ready to dive deeply and fully and completely and I?m not sure if I know how.

I Became a Pluviophile by Cheryl Marlene

I Became a Pluviophile

Sitting at the back door of my college dorm. That?s the day I joined the ranks. I remember clearly I was on my way to the library on a Saturday afternoon. As I stepped out the door, the wind caught and slammed the door against the wall. I looked up into the sky catching the swirling gray-green of thunder clouds and the warm wet scent of approaching turbulence. Damn! I thought. It?s going to rain.

Receiving at Center

Receiving at Center helps you learn about balance both physically and spiritually. First, think of yourself as a balance between who you are physically and who you are spiritually. Your balance exists within a dynamic continuum called Universal Life Force (ULF). ULF is the motion in the universe that animates and flows within the wholeness …

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Defiance to Failure by Cheryl Marlene

Defiance to Failure

Several weeks ago, I participated in the second of 10 training hikes designed to prepare for the highest climb in the Columbia Gorge. At 11 miles in length and almost 5000 feet of elevation gain, Mount Defiance poses a sizeable challenge to most hikers and thus the plan of training hikes to build the endurance …

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Sugar Kisses

Sugar kisses are sweet pieces of love and electric connection which should be honored with depth and commitment.