Creeping White Lies by Cheryl Marlene

Creeping White Lies

Have you ever had a profound moment of clarity squeeze through in just one heart beat? The kind of instant awareness in which something gnawing at you breaks free and springs into your consciousness without warning?

A New View of the Akashic Records by Cheryl Marlene

A New View of the Akashic Records

Instead of a book, the new view of the Akashic Records begins with this idea: Everything is energy; all energy flows on a continuum between potential and form.

Failure and the Red Dress by Cheryl Marlene

Failure and the Sexy Red Dress

As you may know, I have been going through divorce over the last year. A disconcerting process which bounces between deeply painful, wonderfully illuminating, and nearly unintelligible. Bounce is the operative word, like a ball thrown back and forth where sometimes you are the one bouncing the ball and sometimes you are the ball. I …

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The Year of the Non-Resolution by Cheryl Marlene

The Year of the Non-Resolution

I can be one of those folks who, with awesome intention, makes New Year resolutions which fall by the wayside by January 20th or so. Then I spend some time beating up on myself for failure and a lack of self-discipline. I want this new year to be different. With this desire in mind, a …

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Open Allow Receive by Cheryl Marlene

Open. Allow. Receive.

Open. Allow. Receive. Three simple words which transform talk to action, creating a new life path.

Open. Allow. Receive. Steps to bring heart and mind together for today and tomorrow, supporting release of whatever no longer serves.

There is this Raw Place by Cheryl Marlene

There is This Raw Place

There is this raw place within, In need of cauterizing to staunch the flow. A flow of pain, of words which fall flat in the emptiness created by the betrayal of trust’s fidelity. A betrayal which eagerly pushes at a claim of responsibility misplaced: What within brought this on? Simply the luck of the draw? …

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Life in All Its Messy Glory by Cheryl Marlene

Life in All Its Messy Glory!

Life in all its messy glory keeps presenting itself to me. I keep thinking that at some point everything that’s been furiously bubbling in my life will simmer down and thicken with deep, mind-blowing meaning. And maybe it will at some point. And then I can write some erudite treatise on the meaning of life. …

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Vulnerable Absorption by Cheryl Marlene

Vulnerable Absorption

Perfectionism is often the opposite of vulnerability. Why do I say this? Let me be blunt: I have often been accused of being a perfectionist. Notice that this is an accusation, rather than a compliment, pointing towards the general feeling that perfectionism is not an attribute that one should strive for. Often portrayed as relentlessly …

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We all have stories . . .

We all have stories we tell ourselves. We have an experience and we try to make sense of it.   Whatever story is created is not done in a vacuum but within all the previous experiences and stories of life.   These stories are fundamental. They help us grapple with the unexplained and the inexplicable. …

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Change Your Habit of the Unknown by Cheryl Marlene

Change Your Habit of the Unknown

Now is the time to change your habit of the unknown because we are all moving closer toward the boundary of the known and the unknown. A boundary point which tends to raise fear and worry and anxiety, but especially fear. That’s why fear is so strong on Earth right now: huge numbers of people …

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Report from Japan by Cheryl Marlene

Report from Japan

On this day I make a report from Japan. It’s April 11, 2011, the one month anniversary of the largest earthquake in modern Japan. It’s also has been twelve days since I arrived here in Tokyo. And it has also been 20 years since I was last in Tokyo and thirty years since I lived …

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Dangers of Minimizing Self by Cheryl Marlene

Dangers of Minimizing Self

Minimizing is like trying to rent your life. It is an effort to avoid claiming, accepting, allowing the wholeness and fullness of your life.

Dealing with Crazy by Finding Safety by Cheryl Marlene

Deal with Crazy by Finding Safety

Here’s something about me you might not know: I am protective of my people. By my people, I mean those I am connected to including my family, my friends, my clients — in short, people like you. And when one of my people is threatened, I get a little crazy. It’s this crazy that I have been dealing with the last couple of weeks. When someone threatens me and mine with tons of moving steel in the form of a car and turns our car into a smashed tin can, I get a little crazy.

The Difficult Path by Cheryl Marlene

The Difficult Path

The Difficult Path is the path where you are willing to find the middle ground, the point where there is no resistance to moving forward but you also do not find yourself sliding off into the other side of the easy-peasy fix of instant gratification.

Quiet Motion by Cheryl Marlene

Quiet Motion

As you might know, I lived in Japan for a while and learned to speak Japanese. There is a word that I have always been intrigued by which comes to mind right now. Nigiyakana means lively, bustling, noisy, like the busy office or crowded party. There is motion and lots of it in all directions. …

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My Special Tree

My special tree stands at the crest of a hill surrounded by beautiful green grass and many other rise and falls of other rolling hills. The grass is alive with wonder and the world around my tree glimmers with hope, and dreams, and the joy of life lived. I see my tree from afar and …

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When is Fear a Guide by Cheryl Marlene

When is Fear a Guide?

Fear can guide you to deeper understanding when you allow yourself to listen to Fear’s message. Fear is a misconception about Truth which can become frozen within.