Working with the Unexpected
When you get out of your own way, the unexpected joyfully, wonderfully, magically happens! Life shifts!
When you get out of your own way, the unexpected joyfully, wonderfully, magically happens! Life shifts!
On this day I make a report from Japan. It’s April 11, 2011, the one month anniversary of the largest earthquake in modern Japan. It’s also has been twelve days since I arrived here in Tokyo. And it has also been 20 years since I was last in Tokyo and thirty years since I lived …
Minimizing is like trying to rent your life. It is an effort to avoid claiming, accepting, allowing the wholeness and fullness of your life.
Here’s something about me you might not know: I am protective of my people. By my people, I mean those I am connected to including my family, my friends, my clients — in short, people like you. And when one of my people is threatened, I get a little crazy. It’s this crazy that I have been dealing with the last couple of weeks. When someone threatens me and mine with tons of moving steel in the form of a car and turns our car into a smashed tin can, I get a little crazy.
In late September, my daughter and I were in a car accident. What’s been on my mind since that evening is this question: What keeps me from doing what I want to do?
The Difficult Path is the path where you are willing to find the middle ground, the point where there is no resistance to moving forward but you also do not find yourself sliding off into the other side of the easy-peasy fix of instant gratification.
As you might know, I lived in Japan for a while and learned to speak Japanese. There is a word that I have always been intrigued by which comes to mind right now. Nigiyakana means lively, bustling, noisy, like the busy office or crowded party. There is motion and lots of it in all directions. …
My special tree stands at the crest of a hill surrounded by beautiful green grass and many other rise and falls of other rolling hills. The grass is alive with wonder and the world around my tree glimmers with hope, and dreams, and the joy of life lived. I see my tree from afar and …
Fear can guide you to deeper understanding when you allow yourself to listen to Fear’s message. Fear is a misconception about Truth which can become frozen within.
We are The Ancestors of the Planet Earth, we are The Ancestors of all universal form. We come forward to bring you a message for each of you as you begin a new solar year.
What does it mean to receive your being? This is a process of receiving all of you, of not holding back, of stepping into the best you can be and become. Receiving your being means that you learn to focus your attention and observe as Witness the flow of knowing moving through your Center of …
In this sense the unknowable is that which is just beyond our grasp — that which dances just beyond our field of perception. The unknowable can go unnoticed easily as we go about the day-in and day-out of our lives. Yet the unknowable is also that which beckons, unrecognized, as the motivator of action, of thought, and of feeling.
Most often external conflict is about identifying within that which no longer serves you and is ready to be released. Conflict seen in this light can be embraced as a powerful avenue for change and seeking balance, actually two sides of the same coin of the inner healing balance.
One of the most insidious aspects of Fear is that it pushes us to do exactly the opposite of what will bring us relief and a perspective for powerful action. In other words, fear pushes us to act out of fear, to act because we are afraid. Fear wants us to blindly accept the terror of an only imagined future. Fear hopes to dupe us into acting against our best interests. Fear goads us into acting from aversion.
Saying we are going from the third to the fourth dimension (or whatever the different ways of talking about it that there are) is to miss deeper understanding. These dimensions exist all at one time and we (Mother Earth & Planet Earth) and you are already in them. So it is not something we are moving into. But what is changing is the predominant awareness of where humans are and how humans are aware that they can exist. Awareness is changing.
Think of a beautiful flowing river that moves no matter the obstacle. This river is a continuous flow moving always within the potential and possibility of all energy. The river is a flow of divine energy containing the infinite possibility of the universe. This river is the flow of All That Is.