Is it too late to save Earth from climate change?
From an Akashic Records Q&A event, comes this question: Can we save the Earth from climate change? Or is it too late? A short response which takes a high level view of the broad arc of change.
From an Akashic Records Q&A event, comes this question: Can we save the Earth from climate change? Or is it too late? A short response which takes a high level view of the broad arc of change.
In this Akashic Records Q&A event, this question is asked: What is the Quantum Field? How is accessible? The response discusses multidimensionality, the dynamic view, and the energy of the transcendent.
To Do Your Work Introduction is exactly that: introduction to my in-progress book, To Do Your Work. This book explores the twelve pressure points of modern life within the spiritual practice of personal power.
The Light of Silver is the message from the Gemstone Guardians of Silver. These guardians are of eternal, transcendent connection.
The Choice of Fear: From the shared wisdom of the Akashic Records, I am struck by how many separate topics are joined by a common instigator.
What is the Energy of Manipulation? This article is an exploration into the energy of manipulation including its use as exploitation and the inherent threat of violence often utilized. More importantly, are several easy-to-understand to not engage and maintain your personal sense of control and power.
Reading: Moldavite, Agate & Celestite – a three card draw based on What Was, What Is, and What Will Be through the Akashic Records.
Bowling with Angels offers insight into the choice of personal perspective and the influence of childhood events on adult belief.
Reading: Moldavite, Agate & Celestite – a three card draw based on What Was, What Is, and What Will Be through the Akashic Records.
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: How do the Founders define time and space in a dynamic way?
Here’s one of the Readings I offered working with the Gemstone Guardians of Morganite, Tourmaline, and Onyx. I use my Gemstone Guardians Healing Message Cards for a three card draw based on What Was, What Is, and What Will Be. The message is conveyed by the Council of the Gemstone Guardians through the Akashic Records. …
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: How do we navigate intense turbulence in this time of transition? Their response discusses the path which opens easily when your focus is on What Is.
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they have a message: this is the basis of the huge planetary shift we are all experiencing. A short yet precise awareness of why there is a lack of civility.
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: How do we stand firm in these changing times?
What is your soul’s eternal dance? Your dance begins in the depth of your soul and is expressed in each moment through your BEING and BECOMING.
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: In Canada, and Europe, they’re implementing a kind of social credit score, and it seems like governments are putting more and more restrictions on people’s abilities to live freely. What direction are we going in?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: What effect did the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan in 2011 have on the planet, both physically and spiritually?
Through the Hall of Ancient Wisdom of the Akashic Records, this describes the development of sound-based communication on Earth within humanity
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question : How is the activity at the core of the Earth slowing down?
What is Resonance? Energetically within the current universal shifts, understanding resonance is more beneficial than vibration.