Earth Core Slowdown?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question : How is the activity at the core of the Earth slowing down?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question : How is the activity at the core of the Earth slowing down?
At full strength, Blind Production holds personal awareness hostage so that a person will struggle to feel any sense of self-identity or self-worth. To help understand the deeper layers of Blind Production, I have written this story from the personal perspective of total submersion within Blind Production and how the self begins to release the belief of worthlessness. This energy story responds to the question: Where Do I Begin?
One Man, Three Husbands is one of my articles on sacred sexuality. For me the intimate and the divine are intertwined.
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: How do we stand firm in these changing times?
When I began writing To Do Your Work, I used a question to feel into the energy of the pressure point. What came out was the energy story of the pressure point moving from feeling overwhelmed by the energy, to self-awareness, to release.
This is the energy story of Power-Over following the question: Why do I feel powerless?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Do our soul contracts span eternity? Or do we formulate new soul contracts at certain intervals, like each time we reincarnate?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Who are the Pleiadians? Is there a connection between the Pleiadians, Planet Earth and Mother Earth?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Where are we in ascending into 5-D?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Is this change that we are feeling like a return to Atlantis or the time of mystery schools or paganism, sort of swinging back around to the knowledge we had, or is it a new version like 3.0?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Is using psychedelics a way to access Unity Consciousness?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Some people now are looking into unpicking the history of the discrepancies within the Bible. Is that going to become more mainstream or will it be suppressed?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: What is going on with the Earth at this time?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Is all of the motion coming from Power Over going to lead to a different outcome than we expect?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: How do we learn to live within Unity Consciousness?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: In Canada, and Europe, they’re implementing a kind of social credit score, and it seems like governments are putting more and more restrictions on people’s abilities to live freely. What direction are we going in?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: What do the Founders want us to know about the energy of this time of year between October 31 and November 1?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: How do we transverse integration and living in this world of change?
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Do we have parallel lives, in addition to past lives, that can be affecting us now? And if so, how do we protect ourselves, especially if the parallel life is negative?
The Basics of an Akashic Record Reading is the first chapter of an in-progress book on Akashic Records Case Studies. The intention of this piece is to set the stage for the discussion in the following chapters about the possibilities, content, and outcomes of Akashic Records Readings within a variety of different topics, approaches, and clients.
In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: What effect did the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan in 2011 have on the planet, both physically and spiritually?