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New articles from across the spectrum of spiritual consciousness, the Akashic Records, personal power, and ancient wisdom for modern living.

Tao Te Ching Excerpts from Cheryl Marlene

Tao Te Ching Excerpts

Tao Te Ching Excerpts: While much of this ancient text applies to the Akashic Records. For me, Verse One and Verse Six speak of the originating boundlessness and its connection to us in this moment.

These verses are from Tao Te Ching: The Definitive Edition with translation and commentary by Jonathan Star. The Tao Te Ching is attributed to Lao Tzu.

Alignment Balance Connection by Cheryl Marlene

Alignment. Balance. Connection.

Balance. Alignment. Connection. The power of awareness reflects and helps direct attention toward transformation and transmutation.

Vibration and Resonance by Cheryl Marlene

Vibration and Resonance

The Akashic Records at potential work within resonance and not vibration. New agreements for humanity have us moving from a focus on vibration to awareness of resonance.

Energy of Ask-Receive by Cheryl Marlene

Energy of Ask-Receive

The energy of Ask-Receive is vital to the discussion of divine assistance especially within the Akashic Records.

Thoughts on Divine Assistance by Cheryl Marlene

Thoughts on Divine Assistance

Thoughts on Divine Assistance: Because of the exchange between Physical Reality and Non-Physical Reality and the motion between form and potential, the possibility of Divine Assistance posits that somehow the potential side can assist the form side.

Eternal Return by Cheryl Marlene

Eternal Return

All creative energy and all Divine Assistance moves within the motion of the Eternal Return.

Local and Nonlocal Viewing Perspectives by Cheryl Marlene

Local and Nonlocal Viewing Perspectives

Local and Nonlocal Viewing Perspectives are about the point of observation with the Akashic Records when considering events outside of the present moment. In this work, it is important for the point of observation of a historical event to be clear.

Genesis as Told by Ancient Mother by Cheryl Marlene

Genesis: As Told by Ancient Mother

In all the many wonderful experiences of connection I have within the Akashic Records, the most delightful and most profound is Ancient Mother. As the originating energy of all creative expression we call Mother Earth, Ancient Mother sings physical and spiritual creation into being. She is the voice of our most ancient ancestors and holds a direct line to the deepest understandings of what it means to be human as manifested divine creative energy. Her voice is deep wisdom and her presence is deeply grounding between heaven and earth. In this section, and many sections to come, Ancient Mother shares an aspect of origin, of the genesis of all.

Fear as the Basis of Departing Energy by Cheryl Marlene

Fear as the Basis of Departing Energy

The concepts expressed here go along with the twelve pressure points explored in To Do Your Work. I haven’t decided if or how I might include them with TDYW — right now I’m thinking that this information forms part of the basis for a new Level Three course as well as it’s own book.

Twelve Pressure Points of Modern Life by Cheryl Marlene

Twelve Pressure Points of Modern Life

Twelve Pressure Points of Modern Life describe the points at which our personal work needs to be focused to find Power-Within and step away from Power-Over. This is an excerpt from my book, To Do Your Work.

In the Beginning by Cheryl Marlene

In the Beginning

In the Beginning is an excerpt from To Do Your Work which goes into the energetic background of the twelve pressure points of modern life.

Transformation and Transmutation by Cheryl Marlene

Transformation and Transmutation

Energetically, from the soul’s point of view, there is an important difference between transformation and transmutation. In this short article, I provide definitions of both.

Revelations of James Webb Telescope by Cheryl Marlene

Revelations of the James Webb Telescope

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: What revelations can we expect from the James Webb telescope of the photos of our distant past? The response discusses the multi-dimensionality of our existence.

What Happens with Ayahuasca? by Cheryl Marlene

What Happens with Ayahuasca?

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: When people take substances like Ayahuasca, what happens? The response begins by taking us beyond expectation.

Raising the Vibration of Others by Cheryl Marlene

Raising the Vibration of Others

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: How can we raise the vibrations of others? The response begins with we can’t and we shouldn’t.

Consciousness in Time and Space by Cheryl Marlene

Consciousness in Time and Space

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Within space and time, is consciousness the empty space that lets everything be? Consciousness in time and space is a linear description based on perception. Understanding begins with who you are and your awareness of the conditions in and around you.

Local and Nonlocal by Cheryl Marlene

Local and Nonlocal

Local and Nonlocal is an excerpt from a current work-in-progress, To Do Your Work: The Spiritual Practice of Personal Power. This is a book which in part discusses power dynamics of Power Over, Power Under, Power With, and Power Within.
In my current writing, I think this does the best job of discussing the concepts of locality and nonlocality. I have included the information on Mass Consciousness so that you can have a clearer understanding of the context within which I discuss these two topics.

Change and Self-Awareness by Cheryl Marlene

Change and Self-Awareness

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: To manage change, does it truly come back to being self-aware? The quick answer is yes and they share their reasoning for this response.

Shifting Planetary Agreements by Cheryl Marlene

Shifting Planetary Agreements

The following is the first discussion I had with the Akashic Records about shifting planetary agreements. For the first time they shared what I now call Departing energy and Arrival energy. Departing in the sense that this is the energy of the past agreements and are now shifting away from human experience. Thus, in the same sense, Arrival energy is the newly emerging form of humanity’s agreements for life on Earth. Ancient Wisdom is the energy and understanding available on Earth prior to the emergence of Departing energy. We live in a time of great shift and the following explains the basis for the change we all experiencing.