To Do Your Work Introduction by Cheryl Marlene

To Do Your Work: Introduction

To Do Your Work Introduction is exactly that: introduction to my in-progress book, To Do Your Work. This book explores the twelve pressure points of modern life within the spiritual practice of personal power.

Energy story of Fear by Cheryl Marlene

Energy Story of Fear

When I began writing To Do Your Work, I used a question to feel into the energy of the pressure point. What came out was the energy story of the pressure point moving from feeling overwhelmed by the energy, to self-awareness, to release.
This is the energy story of Fear following the question: Why am I Afraid?

Calculation of Blame by Cheryl Marlene

Calculation of Blame

Calculation of Blame: one of the pressure points of modern living described in To Do Your Work, a book on personal power.

Energy story of Mass consciousness by Cheryl Marlene

Energy Story of Mass Consciousness

When I began writing To Do Your Work, I used a question to feel into the energy of the pressure point. What came out was the energy story of the pressure point moving from feeling overwhelmed by the energy, to self-awareness, to release.
This is the energy story of Mass-Consciousness following the question: What is Truth?

Energy story of Blind Production by Cheryl Marlene

Energy Story of Blind Production

At full strength, Blind Production holds personal awareness hostage so that a person will struggle to feel any sense of self-identity or self-worth. To help understand the deeper layers of Blind Production, I have written this story from the personal perspective of total submersion within Blind Production and how the self begins to release the belief of worthlessness. This energy story responds to the question: Where Do I Begin?

Energy Story of Power-Over by Cheryl Marlene

Energy Story of Power-Over

When I began writing To Do Your Work, I used a question to feel into the energy of the pressure point. What came out was the energy story of the pressure point moving from feeling overwhelmed by the energy, to self-awareness, to release.
This is the energy story of Power-Over following the question: Why do I feel powerless?

In the Beginning by Cheryl Marlene

In the Beginning

In the Beginning is an excerpt from To Do Your Work which goes into the energetic background of the twelve pressure points of modern life.

Local and Nonlocal by Cheryl Marlene

Local and Nonlocal

Local and Nonlocal is an excerpt from a current work-in-progress, To Do Your Work: The Spiritual Practice of Personal Power. This is a book which in part discusses power dynamics of Power Over, Power Under, Power With, and Power Within.
In my current writing, I think this does the best job of discussing the concepts of locality and nonlocality. I have included the information on Mass Consciousness so that you can have a clearer understanding of the context within which I discuss these two topics.

To Do Your Work Introduction by Cheryl Marlene

To Do Your Work: Introduction

To Do Your Work Introduction is exactly that: introduction to my in-progress book, To Do Your Work. This book explores the twelve pressure points of modern life within the spiritual practice of personal power.

What is the Spiritual Practice of Personal Power by Cheryl Marlene

The Spiritual Practice of Personal Power

The Spiritual Practice of Personal Power is one of the introductory strands in a book that I am currently writing. To Do Your Work explores the twelve pressures of modern life which surround personal clarity and life’s spiritual journey. These twelve pressure points are the focus of the spiritual effort of personal power, choice, and autonomy.

Illusion of Standards by Cheryl Marlene

Illusion of Standards

  Within the belief that personal worth must be proven is the illusion there is a set of standards by which self-value is measured. Human beings have an inherent urge to understand. We also often have the need to interpret and to judge. In this experience is the push to determine that which will protect …

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Future is All by Cheryl Marlene

Misdirection of Future is All

Misdirection of Future is All: the belief personal choice in this moment must always be deferred to the promise of future rewards.

Delusion of Power Over by Cheryl Marlene

Delusion of Power-Over

Delusion of Power-Over is the primary concept I begin my in-progress book, To Do Your Work. In this book I explore the spiritual practice of personal power and the twelve pressure points of modern living. This is the first pressure point and the starting point for all that emerges from the delusion of Power-Over.

Manipulation Through Fear by Cheryl Marlene

Manipulation through Fear

Here’s how to define Manipulation through Fear, Fear is used as a tool of manipulation to undermine belief in the personal capacity to thrive. As an emotion, fear can be a full-body experience which creeps into every aspect of awareness. Without much effort, fear grabs the heart, clouds the mind, and tightens the body with …

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Self-Belief Displacement by Cheryl Marlene

Self Belief Displacement

Self-Belief Displacement is an excerpt from my in-progress book, To Do Your Work. To understand this third pressure point, let’s begin with this definition: Self-Belief Displacement occurs within the mistaken notion that external authority is a more reliable source of truth than the self-belief of personal power. To negate self-worth, Power-Over attacks self-belief. Self-Belief expresses …

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Service Misplacement by Cheryl Marlene

Service Misplacement

Service Misplacement is the the sixth pressure point described in my in-progress book, To Do Your Work. In this book I explore the spiritual practice of personal power and the twelve pressure points of modern living.

Myth of Scarcity by Cheryl Marlene

Myth of Scarcity

Myth of Scarcity is one of the twelve pressure points of modern living which I explore in my in-progress work, To Do Your Work. Like all the pressure points, this one in particular is entwined with the other eleven at a level that, until we look, is buried deep and out of sight. The Myth of Scarcity is built on the belief that personal autonomy is endangered. Therefore, there is only ever enough for the chosen few.

Fallacy of Control by Cheryl Marlene

Illusion of Control

Fallacy of Control is the the seventh pressure point described in my in-progress book, To Do Your Work. In this book I explore the spiritual practice of personal power and the twelve pressure points of modern living.

Blind Production Definition by Cheryl Marlene

Blind Production

Blind Production is one of twelve modern day pressure points which I describe within my in-progress book, To Do Your Work. This is an essential concept to find your path to claiming your personal power. Blind Production is pervasive and mostly unknown. Here is the first part of this chapter.