Do the Akashic Records Feel Emotion?

Do the Akashic Records Feel Emotion?

This conversation explores whether the Akashic Records experience emotions and how they perceive them as expressions of truth. Unlike humans, the Records do not judge emotions as good or bad but view them as meaningful in their own right. The discussion also highlights how personal truth shapes individual choices, offering a perspective beyond the frameworks of judgment and survival.

Different Perceptions in a Shifting World

Different Perceptions in a Shifting World

Illustrating the vast range of human experience, one person’s false light can be another’s miracle or evil. Releasing the notion of absolute truth allows each individual’s unique perspective to shape their reality. Adopting either a survival mindset or a thriving mindset determines personal interpretations and responses to life’s shifts and changes.

Beyond Absolute Truth

Beyond Absolute Truth

In a realm where life constantly shifts, truth emerges as a living resonance shaped by each person’s unique path. The interplay of experiences, unknown possibilities, and changing moments weaves a tapestry of personal truth that cannot be contained by absolute declarations. Rather than fixating on a single unshakable principle, we learn to embrace ambiguity and the freedom to discover truth within.

The Power of Trusting Your Inner Energy

This reflection explores the shift from chasing external validation to trusting inner energy. By allowing universal energy to flow toward us, we align with resonance rather than judgment. This trust in personal truth opens the door to infinite possibilities and authentic living.

The Shift to Integration: Embracing Power Within and Power With

The Shift to Integration: Embracing Power Within and Power With

Humanity is evolving from survival-based power dynamics to integration of body, mind, heart, and soul. This shift fosters intrinsic worth, thriving relationships, and personal truth. By embracing “power with” and “power within,” we honor both self-discovery and the collective journey.

Twin Flames and Soulmates

This article explores the interconnected concepts of twin flames and soulmates, emphasizing their energetic and spiritual foundations. It shifts the perspective from a linear view to a dynamic understanding, highlighting that each soul expression connects with multiple soulmates. By embracing this deeper awareness, individuals can navigate their relationships with greater trust and openness to the unknown.

Joyful Presence and Expansion by Cheryl Marlene

Joyful Presence and Expansion

Exploring a fresh environment highlights how presence can transform simple moments—like stepping into soft snow or listening to the hush of winter—into experiences of joy, awe and connection.

This reflection demonstrates that mindful awareness fosters inner growth and outward expansion, enriching every encounter.

Recognizing each moment as an invitation to be fully here reveals a deeper calling that guides and energizes every aspect of living.

What is Healing? by Cheryl Marlene

What is Healing?

What is Healing? Defined as awareness of balance, the understanding of healing shifts from a sense of possible brokenness to awareness of value and worth.

Dealing with the Unexpected Future by Cheryl Marlene

Dealing with the Unexpected Future

Insight Analysis for October 10, 2022 is the weekly investigation into the possibilities of the future embedded in the present moment. This analysis utilizes Akashic Future Insight Factors I created within my research with the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records pick which insight topics are most needed to be raise into awareness. The initial questions are: What Is? What Will Be? Through their guidance, we follow their lead for insight into tomorrow and beyond.

Journey of the Soul by Cheryl Marlene

The Journey of the Soul

The journey of the soul begins with the idea of dynamic potential. Touching the soul through the heart allows you to know the unknowable.

The Unknown is Your Answer by Cheryl Marlene

The Unknown is Your Answer

When you allow the truth of your heart to emerge, you open yourself to the source of your deepest knowing. The unknown is your answer

Fear and Complacency by Cheryl Marlene

Fear and Complacency

Working with the Akashic Records, I ask this question: In this moment, What Is? I received a message about fear and complacency diverting conscious awareness into a space of powerlessness. The message offers a simple, thoughtful response to regain power and live within conscious response.

Being and Becoming by Cheryl Marlene

Being and Becoming

Being and Becoming: with heart-open focus. A mindful moment and an affirmation.

Affirmations with Attitude by Cheryl Marlene

Affirmations with Attitude

Affirmations with Attitude: An affirmation with attitude holds words of power-within to shift the trajectory of your life.

My Body is the Beauty of Experience by Cheryl Marlene

My Body is the Beauty of Experience

This epiphany, I want to share. But, first, I want to share the secondary epiphany to give you the context and the answer I have come to about why I tried to push the first epiphany aside.

Letting Go of Motherly Expectations by Cheryl Marlene

Letting Go of My Motherly Expectations

This is my loss in this moment and mine alone to deal with. My mother was there when I asked. To expect my daughter to ask for the same from me is me putting my expectations on her. Let me not lay my expectations at my daughter’s feet. Let me open a door to her asking of me without expectation.

Winter of the Soul by Cheryl Marlene

Winter of the Soul

In the US, we tend to think of winter as a time of cold, of dark, of death.  In winter, there is no motion. However, in other cultures, Japan for example, the energy of winter is a time of sleep, of inner renewal.  A time when something is happening below the surface out of sight. …

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