Why huge planetary shift now? by Cheryl Marlene

Why Huge Planetary Shift Now?

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they have a message: this is the basis of the huge planetary shift we are all experiencing. A short yet precise awareness of why there is a lack of civility.

What is the Direction of our Ability to Live Life Freely? by Cheryl Marlene

What is the Direction of Our Ability to Live Life Freely?

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: In Canada, and Europe, they’re implementing a kind of social credit score, and it seems like governments are putting more and more restrictions on people’s abilities to live freely. What direction are we going in?

What is Language? by Cheryl Marlene

What is Language?

Through the Hall of Ancient Wisdom of the Akashic Records, this describes the development of sound-based communication on Earth within humanity

What is the slowing down of the core of the Earth about? by Cheryl Marlene

Earth Core Slowdown?

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question : How is the activity at the core of the Earth slowing down?

What is Resonance? by Cheryl Marlene

What is Resonance?

What is Resonance? Energetically within the current universal shifts, understanding resonance is more beneficial than vibration.

What is Resonance? by Cheryl Marlene

What is Resonance?

What is Resonance? Energetically within the current universal shifts, understanding resonance is more beneficial than vibration.

What is the Soul Perspective of ADHD and Autism by Cheryl Marlene

From a Soul Perspective, What is ADHD or Autism?

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: What do the Founders think about ADHD and Autism from a soul perspective? Their response discusses the possibilities and challenges of fluid awareness.

How to Parallel or Past Lives Affect Our Current Lives by Cheryl Marlene

How do Parallel or Past Lives Affect Our Current Lives?

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Do we have parallel lives, in addition to past lives, that can be affecting us now? And if so, how do we protect ourselves, especially if the parallel life is negative?

Akashic Records and the Tarot by Cheryl Marlene

Akashic Records and the Tarot

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Can the Akashic Records be accessed through Tarot cards?

What is the slowing down of the core of the Earth about? by Cheryl Marlene

Earth Core Slowdown?

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question : How is the activity at the core of the Earth slowing down?

Do Our Soul Contracts Span Eternity? by Cheryl Marlene

Do Our Soul Contracts Span Eternity?

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Do our soul contracts span eternity? Or do we formulate new soul contracts at certain intervals, like each time we reincarnate?

Who are the Pleiadians? by Cheryl Marlene

Who are the Pleiadians?

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Who are the Pleiadians? Is there a connection between the Pleiadians, Planet Earth and Mother Earth?

Ascending into 5-D by Cheryl Marlene

Ascending into 5-D

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Where are we in ascending into 5-D?

Are We Returning to the Time of the Ancient Wisdom of Atlantis? by Cheryl Marlene

Are We Returning to the Time of the Ancient Wisdom of Atlantis?

In this exchange with the Founders of the Akashic Records, they answer this question: Is this change that we are feeling like a return to Atlantis or the time of mystery schools or paganism, sort of swinging back around to the knowledge we had, or is it a new version like 3.0?