Embracing the Unknown

In a recent Akashic Record Insights Workshop, we explored a bit about uncertainty. Discussion began with this question:

How can I move beyond fear and uncertainty to embrace the unknown with trust and empowerment?

The world is shifting, and fear thrives on uncertainty. Yet, the unknown is not an enemy—it is an invitation to trust yourself, step forward, and embrace possibility. By loosening the grip of fear and scarcity, you can reclaim your power and move through life with confidence, resilience, and joy.

So what they want to talk about today is the fact that—and this is something they know that we know—but the world is changing. It’s not what it was even six months ago. And that’s not because of anything… I mean, well, there are changes, obviously, politically and economically and what have you, but energetically is what they’re referring to. There is energy that is moving forward into various aspects of our lives, and it has both the possibility of empowerment and the possibility of increasing fear.

To some degree, that’s why a whole lot of us have a lot of fear—because the shift and change are moving right at the edge of what we are sort of able to tolerate. Human beings, up until now, have had a fairly low tolerance for dealing with the unknown, and that’s mainly because we have been encouraged to give up the most important parts of ourselves. We’ve been encouraged to believe that outside authority knows better about ourselves than we do.

With the change that’s coming, and because the interaction with the unknown is both expanding and, to some extent, escalating, we don’t necessarily have really good preparation. We’re not prepared in some respects. We don’t have a lot of resiliency or tolerance within all of this. They think we could see all of that in what happened during the pandemic. That was maybe the largest experience of dealing with the unknown that we’ve had consciously, as one people on a planet, in a really long time. You’d have to go back to world wars to tap into that same sort of sense of the unknown.

They bring this up today because, first, they want to acknowledge that change. They want to acknowledge that shift. And second, because if you can tap into yourself and feel where you feel fear, where you feel uneasiness, where you feel like life isn’t quite as supportive as you would like—that’s the point at which to ask yourself: Why are you afraid of the unknown?

Because it’s that ability to begin to, in a sense, make friends with the unknown—which sounds kind of odd, given all of that—but that’s really what it is. It’s about becoming comfortable with the unknown.

Partly, that’s what gets you through the crossroads, but that’s also what really makes the difference in how you respond to what’s going on in your life and what’s going on around you. It’s the kind of situation where the more comfortable you become with the unknown, the less it becomes something that someone can hold over you. The less someone can manipulate you. There’s less ability for someone to frighten you.

It’s often held that being comfortable with the unknown is either overly innocent, overly naïve, or a form of denial. But what they would say is that those are judgments used to manage your sense of what is possible—what you can and can’t do in your life.

So, the easier you become with this idea of the unknown, the easier it is for you to stand in a place in your life where you don’t feel like you’re getting jerked around. That ability to believe in yourself reinforces your ability to enjoy your life—to allow that joy to be what drives you forward rather than the fear of the unknown, the fear of what might happen.

There is great possibility in the world right now. And fear would like to make us think that there’s only one or two possibilities.

Instead of making choices within the experience of infinite possibility, the polarity that we live within wants to make you believe that there’s maybe only one, maybe two possibilities. So you’re stuck in this either/or perspective that is not comfortable, can be quite inflammatory, and pushes you to react—to lose your train of thought, to ignore your feelings, to experience yourself as fragmented.

Whereas, when you feel this beauty within you, when you feel this wholeness within you, that’s what gets you to the place where it’s easier for you to believe that there’s more than the polarity would lead you to believe. And that there is.

That’s part of what this crossroads is about—an opening to more than we can imagine, to more than we know how to deal with.

And there’s that saying, right? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Especially if what you’re doing is pounding your head against a brick wall.

So, being jerked around by fear doesn’t work. I think they believe most people would recognize that.

And so, if being jerked around by fear doesn’t work, then what do you do? What’s the alternative? What’s the option?

The option is to learn to be comfortable with the approach of the unknown. I mean, in any moment in life, you take a step, and there’s always some aspect of that step connected to the unknown. You don’t absolutely know for sure. You may have a pretty good guess. You may have a pretty good reason to believe what’s going to happen. But ultimately, you don’t know until you step.

So, learning to be comfortable with that is empowering, and it’s freeing. It means that you begin to deal with the rest of your life in a very, very different way.

If we give ourselves the chance to believe that there is opportunity we are not aware of, that we cannot predict, that we can’t even imagine to some extent—then we open the door for that kind of possibility to be part of our life.

Instead of believing whatever the scenario of either/or is—however that’s presented to you—you reject it. Essentially, it’s about rejecting that notion, questioning that premise, and deciding whether or not it’s really true for you.

Because for the most part, we live a life that’s actually not limited. We live a life that has incredible opportunity and possibility. The idea that things are scarce—that is essentially a myth. It’s the myth of scarcity, the illusion of scarcity.

Buying into that is as troubling as being afraid of the unknown. It’s all of a piece.

What they would say is that by allowing yourself to see opportunity—or at least to see the possibility of opportunity—you free yourself.

Many people, highly productive people, part of the way they get on in life—I would include myself in this—is by figuring things out, making lists, planning everything. They hold themselves as very severe taskmasters. You’ve got to get it all figured out before you begin. And you better really have it figured out as you go.

And yet, this idea they’re presenting is almost exactly the opposite of that.

Because you don’t actually need to know every step. And thinking you need to know every step is actually its own limitation.

So, it’s about feeling into what you trust for yourself in this moment and using that sense of trust and connection to decide what step you need to take next.

It’s not that you can’t know ten steps down the road. But it’s about getting out of the habit of requiring yourself to know every step in order to engage with the world. It’s about stepping out of the demand that you put this all together perfectly before you begin.

They suggest you think about it like a dance.

In a dance, you don’t necessarily know all the steps. But you hear the music, you feel the music, and it wells up within your body, mind, heart, and soul.

It calls to you.

It says: Come. Take that step.

Believe in yourself. Trust that as you do, the world will unfold for you in ways beyond your imagination.

In doing that, you will see, sense, and understand that fear need not be a part of your life.

You no longer need to allow it to—like they said earlier—jerk you around.

Instead, you are choosing how you live your life.

You are choosing how to respond to both opportunity and challenge.

Find more content like this on Cheryl’s YouTube Channel.

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Cheryl Marlene
Cheryl Marlene is a pioneering guide in spiritual consciousness and the Akashic Records, blazing a new path for seekers ready to move beyond superficial answers. Her work is for those who desire unvarnished truth, deep transformation, and a profound connection to personal power. A mystic, futurist, and trailblazer, Cheryl expands the Akashic Records beyond outdated myths into a living, dynamic spiritual practice, uniting divine and human consciousness in profound healing. Through one-on-one Akashic Record sessions, research, and future-driven business consulting, she helps clients and visionaries uncover their soul’s wisdom and embrace their fullest potential. As the creator of the Akashic Records Intensive, the most comprehensive Akashic Records training, and author of Akashic Records Masterclass, Cheryl challenges the limits of what’s possible in spiritual innovation. Her students and clients know her as relatable, insightful, and unafraid of the raw and real aspects of deep work. When she’s not writing, Cheryl is on the hiking trail, listening to nature’s wisdom and exploring the heartbeat of the mountain. Through her journey, she has distilled her intention for life to these six words: Laugh. Learn. Love. Be. Become. Always.

Headshot of Cheryl Marlene, Spiritual Guide in the Akashic Records

A mystic, futurist, and trailblazer in spiritual consciousness and the Akashic Records, Cheryl is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work.

Cheryl has expanded the collective understanding of the Akashic Records beyond the outdated myths of yesterday into a dynamic healing spiritual practice of divine and human consciousness. She consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through one-on-one sessions, extensive research, and future-driven, strategic business development.

Cheryl’s clients and students know her as a relatable, funny, everyday person who loves red dresses, urban fantasy books, and skinny margaritas. When she is not hard at work on her next book, she is on the hiking trail listening to the beauty of nature and the heartbeat of the mountain.

Through her journey, she has distilled her intention for life to these seven words: BELIEVE. Laugh. Learn. Love. Be. Become. Always.