Evolving Consciousness

Exploring evolving consciousness, the Akashic Records gives an in-depth explanation of the huge energetic changes of Earth and the direction and benefit of moving into a life based on physical-spiritual integration.

Participant: Everybody’s talking about it and I feel it on my flesh. I feel that there’s a different energy right now in the world. And this is my own personal belief and feeling. I want to know how are things going to be done differently now for our consciousness to evolve? And what has become obsolete? And where should we put our attention? 

Cheryl: Oh, I love this one. 

Participant: So I guess the first question is an assumption that things are being done differently right now. So I would like that to either be denied or validated. And then if it’s validated, I very much would like to know how, in what way it’s going to be different now. Are we going to be to be supported to evolve? 


So first they would like to validate your assumption. Yes, things are changing. Things are changing big time. And energy is different.

There’s a huge difference even between 2024 and 2023, right? And definitely a difference between now and what we’ll call pre-pandemic, right? There was a very interesting energy that was introduced essentially through COVID. 

But what they want to do is go back further in time because the historical basis of the change right now actually goes back about 3000 years.

Humanity, whether we realize it or not, is an agreement to experience form in a particular way on the planet, and so that means that what we would think of as Mother Earth, Planet Earth is her own individual, just like each of us is our own individuals.

And so the agreements to be human are made between the initial energy of humanity, along with Mother Earth, Planet Earth, and along with all of the other forms of physicality that exist on the planet. Which is a huge number, if you start thinking of all the bugs and the flowers and whatever.

All of that has joined together to create what we experience right now as our physical reality. And so everything has essentially a set of agreements, in order for physical life to work on the planet. There’s some agreements about how we’re going to deal with gravity or how we’re going to deal with the electromagnetic force and all of those kinds of physical physics kinds of things.

And so humanity then makes agreements for itself in relationship to those agreements. And so about 3000 to 5000 years ago, humanity decided essentially to change the agreements. And what they did is they went from an environment that was probably what we would think of as more, I don’t know what the right word is here.

Magical? A perception of reality where there was the sense of connection across the entirety of physical reality. And we shifted to having a perception of the body and the mind being more important than the heart and the soul.

And part of the reason why we did that was to support the expansion of our brains, the capacity of our brains and for humanity to have a period of time of experiencing what that kind of domination of the brain and the body over the heart and the soul was about.

And so that’s where we’ve been over the last couple of thousand years. And all of our spiritual and religious traditions have developed through that shifted agreement.

And the Founders of the Akashic Records believe very firmly that the change that’s happening on the planet is that the agreements are changing again.

And the main shift in that agreement is that no longer will it be a dominance of body and mind over heart and soul, it will be a balanced integration of physical and spiritual, which means that things that we used to think we couldn’t do as a physical being on the planet, that we had to die and go to heaven to do, or however you describe that experience, is actually very doable here and now.

For example, the reason the Akashic Records are coming forward in the way that they’re coming forward now is because of that belief.

A lot of what’s happened in a lot of spiritual or religious traditions is that you had to be a certain something in order to do the cool thing.

You had to not be married, or you had to be male, or you had to have had this much study, or all the varieties of ways that we create value, we’ve used those senses of value to determine who couldn’t do something spiritually cool.

So what’s different then is fundamentally there’s an ability to be a human being in a much more balanced, integrated way between who you are physically and who you are spiritually. So you don’t have to choose one or the other.

You don’t have to give up all your wealth in order to feel like you can be a highly spiritual person.

Whoever you are, whatever your experience is, whatever you’re choosing to do in your life, you have the option to be spiritual in every moment of your life.

There’s no conditions which must be met in order for you to experience who you are spiritually. There’s nothing you have to do physically, really, truly in order to do that.

You don’t have to starve yourself. But what that does is it shifts the responsibility for your spiritual experience to you. It’s not about what your village priest does. It’s not about what kind of access you have to the local temple.

None of those kinds of things are limitations in the way that we might have experienced it even just a hundred years ago. So it shifts the responsibility onto you because it also shifts the point of focus for truth to you.

So that we move away from much more of a sense of absolute truth and move more into a sense of trusting ourselves to get to the truth for ourselves in this moment. And part of what that does is it makes it both more difficult and easier to deal with ambiguity,

Because when you live a life that’s dominated by your mind and your body, and because of the way the spiritual traditions developed within that, it doesn’t deal well with ambiguity. It’s thou shalt not kill. And so there should be no condition where taking a life would be admissible.

Even though we all know that we’re already working through that, right? Like, when our dogs get really old and they’re in pain, most of us believe that letting them move on is the kindest thing to do. And in our current society, we have the idea of self defense.

Which would say that if someone shoots a burglar, then they’re not going to be charged with murder, right?

So we have ways that we’ve already started working through ambiguity, but when you go into balanced integration, physically and spiritually, that’s when you start working yourself through ambiguity.

Because that’s how you get to meaning. And all of human history is about meaning, like, how do we understand ourselves? Who are we? Why are we here?

All of those kinds of questions about origin and creation are all about meaning and meaning always has some edge to it that’s about ambiguity, that one idea and another idea seem opposable.

They seem like they’re in opposition, but from an integrated perspective, you’re able to understand the ambiguity.

It also will mean that we’ve got an issue of personal responsibility, we have an issue of personal truth, we have how we deal with meaning and ambiguity, and that also then means that like from a physical point of view, it can have this sense of different people are in different realities, right? 

And part of that is because some people are going to consciously deal with this idea of integration, and some people won’t.

And it’s going to give this sense that you can feel personally, you can feel that you look at your life and you look at the world in a very different way than maybe some other people.

And so it can have a little bit of that sense of say, if we were all looking at a baby gray elephant some people might report, a gray blob with these flappy parts.

Some people might report a gray blob with what looks like four sticks. And you can already hear that what’s happening is that people are describing their awareness or what they see or what they’re aware of from their own perspective.

And so it can seem like we’re not all looking at the same thing. And what that does then is it makes the process of assuming, problematic.

Because you have your perspective and you can be aware other people have their perspectives and if what you’re getting back from someone doesn’t match your perspective, the thing to do is to not assume that they’re wrong.

The thing to do is to do what both St. Augustine and Stephen Covey have suggested that we do, which is to seek first to understand and then to be understood.

So in this process, the thing to learn to do is to not assume that you know exactly where somebody’s coming from. Because you don’t.

Even your best friend that you’ve known for 30 years and you would swear up and down that you know that person better than you know yourself, you can’t assume that you actually know.

Because we are in a very heightened state of shift and change. And that is what happened with the pandemic. Time became compressed.

And our ability to feel clear about what happens shifted.

We used to be pretty sure we know what can happen in five years. And during lockdown, time got compressed for most people so that the max that you could probably feel in the beginning of it was like, you could barely know exactly what was going to happen in 24 hours.

Then it became maybe a couple of days, then it became maybe a week and at some point, it got to 30 days or so. 

And in the last year, partly what was going on is that we were all trying to go back to what the five-year plan was within the energy of time that was still maybe stuck at maybe a year out because when you shift to this kind of balanced physical, spiritual integration, what happens is your awareness becomes much more comfortable being in the present moment.

Because partly what happens when energetically time is compacted is that it’s forcing you into the present moment. And it’s making it difficult for you to extend your awareness beyond the present moment.

And then they would also like to add, that they’re aware that they’re going on and on here, but they would also like to add that part of what happens when your awareness becomes very much in the present moment, that prepares you to do the thing that’s almost impossible to do when you’re allowing physical domination, body mind domination over heart soul domination.

You’re now able to do the thing that you almost can’t do at that point, and now you can, which is you get comfortable with the unknown.

Because part of what pushes us into trying to figure out what the future is, it’s because we are not comfortable with the unknown.

We want it to be all laid out for us. If we make our 10-step to-do list, we want to believe that if we get those 10 steps done, what happens then is exactly what we think will happen because we did those 10 steps.

And in balanced physical spiritual integration and living in the present moment, what you really begin to do is become comfortable with the fact that you don’t know and that the unknown is not the demon that it’s portrayed to be so that it gets easier.

We’re still going to have issues because we’re human, but it does get easier to think of the unknown in a positive sense, to live in that place where you can expect the unexpected.

The unknown and the unexpected have been the bane of human existence because the push when you have physical domination over spiritual is to know, to be able to answer the question. To be able to say, I know exactly what the meaning of life is.

Whereas in balanced spiritual and physical integration, because you’ve gotten much more comfortable with ambiguity, you’re also much better at dealing with the idea that the meaning of life doesn’t need to be defined in some sort of absolute way, and that the meaning of life is actually in this constant state of development and expansion and explanation and that the meaning of life becomes this understanding of a journey that you don’t ever get done, and that you’re not wanting to get the journey done. 

That’s another thing that would definitely be a difference between the old agreements and the new agreements is this idea that we don’t have to get it done.

There’s a lot of ideas out there that if you’re really spiritual, that means that you’re going to take care of all the crappy things you did in your previous lives.

And you’re going to leave this life in such an utter state of spiritual awareness and elevation, you won’t ever have to come back.

I know I’ve heard people say that, but the Records are saying that’s really not the point, but it is more the result of the previous agreements.

And now that’s something that’s different as we move forward, because we come here as physical beings, not to fix things, we come here to experience. We come here to be a part of the shift and the change and the expansion, and we’re not here to get it done. We’re here for the experience.

Participant: That was very confirming and wonderful and detailed and to the point. There was a lot there. Thank you.

Evolving Consciousness is an article in Wisdom from the Akashic Records.

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Cheryl Marlene
Cheryl Marlene is a pioneering guide in spiritual consciousness and the Akashic Records, blazing a new path for seekers ready to move beyond superficial answers. Her work is for those who desire unvarnished truth, deep transformation, and a profound connection to personal power. A mystic, futurist, and trailblazer, Cheryl expands the Akashic Records beyond outdated myths into a living, dynamic spiritual practice, uniting divine and human consciousness in profound healing. Through one-on-one Akashic Record sessions, research, and future-driven business consulting, she helps clients and visionaries uncover their soul’s wisdom and embrace their fullest potential. As the creator of the Akashic Records Intensive, the most comprehensive Akashic Records training, and author of Akashic Records Masterclass, Cheryl challenges the limits of what’s possible in spiritual innovation. Her students and clients know her as relatable, insightful, and unafraid of the raw and real aspects of deep work. When she’s not writing, Cheryl is on the hiking trail, listening to nature’s wisdom and exploring the heartbeat of the mountain. Through her journey, she has distilled her intention for life to these six words: Laugh. Learn. Love. Be. Become. Always.

Headshot of Cheryl Marlene, Spiritual Guide in the Akashic Records

A mystic, futurist, and trailblazer in spiritual consciousness and the Akashic Records, Cheryl is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work.

Cheryl has expanded the collective understanding of the Akashic Records beyond the outdated myths of yesterday into a dynamic healing spiritual practice of divine and human consciousness. She consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through one-on-one sessions, extensive research, and future-driven, strategic business development.

Cheryl’s clients and students know her as a relatable, funny, everyday person who loves red dresses, urban fantasy books, and skinny margaritas. When she is not hard at work on her next book, she is on the hiking trail listening to the beauty of nature and the heartbeat of the mountain.

Through her journey, she has distilled her intention for life to these seven words: BELIEVE. Laugh. Learn. Love. Be. Become. Always.