Expand Your Practice #1: add ritual to your Akashic Records Practice with an affirmation, a mindful moment and questions to ask your Records.
In balance, I expand my connection with my Akashic Records.
Mindful Moment:
The process of opening the Akashic Records is supported by a clear visualization and a blessing. The Agreements provide a foundation to guide intention and choice. Energetically this process offers what you need to open the Akashic Records from the soul’s perspective.
Going a bit deeper, this process can be seen as ritual containing an awareness of crossing boundary or threshold. This awareness helps the progression from your sense of here and now into focused awareness of and connection to the Akashic Records. The goal is to have this ritualized process support your progression and not interfere at any level as you deepen your connection.
A ritual energetically unites dimensions of awareness both within you and with outer flows of energy. The ritual creates a multi-dimensional matrix or framework which supports the practice incorporating the ritual of process, blessing, visualization, and Agreements.
Specifically, when you follow the process of opening the Akashic Records as I have shared with you, a framework to support your connection with the Akashic Records is created within and by the ritual.
Within this perspective, you may add elements which support your intention, clarity, and connection with the Akashic Records.
In my experience, both gemstones and aroma have been very helpful in strengthening and expanding connection with the Akashic Records.
When ritual becomes necessity, you have achieved the opposite effect. If you must hold a piece of quartz crystal or burn sage in order to open your Akashic Records, then you have created a block to opening your Akashic Records.
I have given you the elements which must be part of the energetic pattern to support deepest opening. With any additional elements which in your mind become must-haves, you are creating an artificial limit that will cause problems.
All that I offer in this mini-course I do as suggestions not requirements. The purpose is to help you progress towards clarity, intention, connection. But not to the degree that they become hindrance. If you are attentive, you will discern the difference between support which expands and support which becomes limitation.
Also know that the need today may not be the need tomorrow or next year. For example, years ago, I held different gemstones at different times for different reasons when opening my Akashic Records. Now I do not require that support. However, if back then I’d created the story that I must hold a stone to open, then it’s very possible I might still be stuck in that story.
Please be open to the awareness that what is true today, may not be true tomorrow.
To begin exploring what you might bring into your ritual of opening the Akashic Records, use the following questions as a starting point.
Question Set:
Gather what you need, open your Akashic Records, and ask these questions:
1. What will support clarity and intention for me within my Akashic Records practice?
2. How may I expand my connection with my Akashic Records?
3. How can I make sure I do not become dependent on anything I include within my Akashic Records practice?
There are six practices in this series:
- Expand Your Practice #1
- Expand Your Practice #2
- Expand Your Practice #3
- Expand Your Practice #4
- Expand Your Practice #5
- Expand Your Practice #6
Learn to open your Akashic Records with one of Cheryl’s books: Open Your Akashic Records or with Akashic Records Masterclass.