How does War Trauma impact Collective Consciousness?

How does war trauma impact collective consciousness? Within the feedback loop of collective consciousness, the awareness of the trauma of war challenges connection.

Question: How does war trauma impact collective consciousness?


What they want to do to start with is just talk about how trauma affects collective consciousness. Which is that, when something traumatic happens to a person, because we’re all connected, it’s not so much that it happens to everybody else, as much as the main impact on collective consciousness is the awareness that trauma is present, that it’s possible, right?

Here in the United States, every time there’s some mass shooting, what happens is we all have the awareness that this kind of thing is possible and that it’s possible in our everyday life.

In the beginning of mass shootings, it raises awareness to some degree, right? If there’s just one in say, a 12-month period, the effect on collective consciousness is more just like the nuance of awareness.

Whereas if the trauma is repeated over and over again, you get to the place where you can’t read the newspaper except to read about the next mass shooting.

In a certain sense, you’re talking about how the feedback loop works between the individual and the collective, the collection of people, mass consciousness, whatever group perspective you want to take there.

There’s just this back and forth that’s always happening. Because it’s the idea of the eternal return, right?

All energy that moves out moves back.

And so the awareness of trauma works within that feedback loop, within that sense of the eternal return, so that if you then are specifically looking at different kinds of trauma, for example, the trauma that comes from war, the first thing that you get there is that you have a much larger group of people all experiencing trauma at one time.

So, you end up essentially with a bigger hit or a much broader sense of possibility and awareness within collective consciousness than you have if it’s just 1 person that was shot, for example, right?

And so war, and especially these days, since almost nothing happens on the planet that we don’t know about say, within 24 hours, it increases the intensity of the inner awareness, and that means that for some people it becomes, even if you’re not in a country that is in the middle of the war, it becomes something that you become aware of, partly because you hear about it, and partly because you’re connected, you have the ability to feel, right?

That would be like the idea about somebody who’s empathic, for example, they’re more aware of that kind of energetic motion than maybe other people are.

And so there’s definitely that idea that some people are a little more aware of all of this than others, but it’s also an experience that can be used for manipulation, which is when the Powers That Be can step in and say, we must do this in order to avoid this bad outcome.

And they can use the fear of the trauma essentially against us. Although there’s also the very real realization that since we are all connected, if war is in some place, then it’s possible for war to be in our place, that there’s nothing that magically protects us, even though the Powers That Be would like us to believe that whatever they do is what protects us.

War is a challenge, energetically, essentially to our sense of connection. It’s manipulating that sense of connection to its own ends.

And generally, it’s usually to scare a group of people or a whole lot of people to behave or to respond or to react in a certain way to achieve a certain set of ends, goals, right? So it’s also very much that the means justify the ends, in a weird, manipulative kind of way.

Does that answer your question?

Participant: Yes. I read somewhere that for 93 percent of human history, humanity was involved in wars. And the 7 percent that they weren’t, they were involved in fighting plagues! So we’re always fighting something, in other words.

How does war trauma impact collective consciousness? is an article in Wisdom from the Akashic Records.

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Cheryl Marlene
Cheryl Marlene, Akashic Mystic, is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work. She is the world’s authority on the Akashic Records and consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through readings, research, and executive programs. Student learn to access the Akashic Records through ZENITH, her comprehensive four-level learning program, and her signature classic, The Akashic Records Masterclass. In the field of consciousness, she is known as a futurist, innovator, and master teacher who delivers life-changing lessons with warmth and humor. Her powerful exploration is cutting edge -- providing you with deep insight today to ignite your vision for tomorrow.

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A mystic, futurist, and trailblazer in spiritual consciousness and the Akashic Records, Cheryl is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work.

Cheryl has expanded the collective understanding of the Akashic Records beyond the outdated myths of yesterday into a dynamic healing spiritual practice of divine and human consciousness. She consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through one-on-one sessions, extensive research, and future-driven, strategic business development.

Cheryl’s clients and students know her as a relatable, funny, everyday person who loves red dresses, urban fantasy books, and skinny margaritas. When she is not hard at work on her next book, she is on the hiking trail listening to the beauty of nature and the heartbeat of the mountain.

Through her journey, she has distilled her intention for life to these seven words: BELIEVE. Laugh. Learn. Love. Be. Become. Always.