Introduction to Soul Energy Dynamics
An Introductory Akashic Records Course with Cheryl Marlene
When you feel there is more to the Akashic Records than a book or library, Soul Energy Dynamics answers your questions and gives you a new perspective to understand this awe-filled connection between human and divine consciousness.

Most explain the Akashic Records as a container of everything past, present, and future.
I take a much different perspective and explain the energetic flow of the Akashic Records from the soul’s perspective and outside of the influence of the physical world and linear time.
Now the Akashic Records can be understood and experienced outside of limiting linear perspectives.
Your understanding of the nature of All That Is becomes expansive and you learn how to bring this view into your everyday life, developing a deep relationship with divine consciousness.
In this course, master teacher Cheryl Marlene steps you through a new and expansive experience of the Akashic Records through the soul’s perspective.
Through six introductory lessons, you learn to understand the connection between human consciousness and divine consciousness through the soul’s perspective.
Not only does this explain what a linear perspective cannot, you are also connected with the deepest energy of the Akashic Records as knowing, healing, and spiritual practice.
Plus you will understand how the Akashic Records are not just about answers.
Rather the Akashic Records are path to self-trust, personal truth, and practical knowledge to apply immediately to your life.
Right now this is a self-paced course you complete under your own direction. Once a year, Cheryl does this course live and you will be invited to join.
You must be at least 18 years of age and need no special spiritual or intuitive skill.
All that is required is your openness to learning a new approach.
Introduction to Soul Energy Dynamics:
Six Lessons, Twelve Topics
Across six lessons, you will cover the following twelve topics.
Circle Diagram
This is where the notion of soul energy dynamics begins. In 45 minutes over 20 years ago, the Akashic Records gave me the download of this knowing. My life changed and yours will too when you take in this powerful perspective.
Three Characteristics of Energy
Everything is energy. All energy has three characteristics: motion, intention, and knowing. This is the beginning of releasing our physical world-bound view of the Akashic Records.
Continuum of Knowing
More than information and facts, the Akashic Records are a source of divine knowing open to those who ask. Knowing exists across a continuum of known, unknown, and unknowable.
Static View & Dynamic View
When viewed with in the linear perspective of time and space, the Akashic Records are seen in a limited view. Moving awareness into the infinite and eternal, perspective shifts and expands into the universal mysteries with clarity and promise.
Three Co-Creative Forces
You are here because of the interaction between three forces: physical inheritance, spiritual inheritance, and Universal Life Force.
History of the Akashic Records
The modern history of the Akashic Records begins with Helena Blavatsky. However, there are historical ties which go back to the beginning of written history.
What is Akasha?
A Sanskrit word with various meanings in the religions which use Sanskrit as a holy language. Akasha is source in both the transcendent and within manifested reality.
What is the Book of Life?
Many of the Akashic pioneers used the Book of Life as a metaphor to explain the existence of the Akashic Records. Learn the history and understand both the genius and the limits of this explanation.
Resonance & Vibration
Not everything is explained by high or low vibration. With a dynamic view, resonance steps forward with a deeper, less judgmental understanding of energy flow.
Focus, Concentration, Absorption & Coherence
Documented within many spiritual traditions, there is an energetic progression to connecting with the Akashic Records.
Transformation & Transmutation
What we think of as healing within the Akashic Records is balance. The pivot of healing comes within a shift in structure, transformation, and within a shift in essence, transmutation.
Dispelling Myths & Erroneous Notions
Having dived into the theory of Soul Energy Dynamics, now the various myths and erroneous notions of the Akashic Records can be seen and shifted within this new light.
Each lesson contains:
- A reading assignment with at least one article on topic
- An audio recording of the teaching and discussion on the lesson’s topic,
- A transcript of the recording,
- Sentence prompts to push up fear, hidden beliefs, and outdated habits
- Questions to use in your Akashic Records to go deeper into your personal nuances within the topic

This course is one of four of my introductory Akashic Records courses.
Introduction to Soul Energy Dynamics shares the unique perspective I have developed about the nature of the Akashic Records and why and how they work.
Not a library, a book, or a storehouse … but something more.
When folks ask me how I came to this understanding, I say it started with a smart-ass question to my Records and a circle diagram.
The question I posed was simply, “How do the Akashic Records work?”
I thought I’d get a standard answer similiar to the ones out there spread across the internet.
Instead I received something much different, deeper, beyond.
At first I thought maybe it was too simple.
But as I began to unpack and explain to others, a depth emerged which changed my life.
So I will warn you … tread lightly. Let go of whatever notions you might have about how the world works.
Open your heart and mind to a new perspective — and you won’t be disappointed.
You may enter this course after you have completed my introductory course: Learn to Open Your Akashic Records.
While most students will enter this course as an Akashic Records Intensive student, you may also purchase the course on its own.
Either way, when I do this course live and in-person in 2025, you will be invited to join at no additional cost. Right now it is available as a self-paced course you do under your own initiative.
If you have questions or are not sure of something, make a free prospective student appointment.
I look forward to connecting soon!
In Joy!
Ready to Begin?
$399 or 3 payments of $133
When you feel there is more to the Akashic Records than a book or library, Soul Energy Dynamics answers your questions and gives you a new perspective to understand this awe-filled connection between human and divine consciousness.
If you would like to enter this course through the Akashic Records Intensive: apply here.