Learning to live inside-out sounds a bit odd at first. Let me explain.
I’ve been working with the Akashic Records for over 20 years and in that time, I’ve learned so much about myself.
One of the biggest changes in my life has been what I call the shift to inside-out — instead of outside-in.
In the beginning of my journey, as I began to explore the spiritual side of my life, I looked outside of myself for guidance.
I read a ton of great books. I went to cool workshops.
In the process I found some great guidance and I came across some truly bad advice.
Interestingly, it was from those funky corners that I got some of my best learning.
Why? Because in coming to terms with what wasn’t for me, I had to look inside myself to find what resonated and what worked.
Instead of staying dependent on someone else’s truth, I had to look inside me for my truth.
So instead of outside-in, I began living my life inside-out – meaning I began looking inside of myself for understanding and truth and then living out there in the world from this perspective.
When I first learned about the Akashic Records, what most surprised me was that the process of an Akashic Record Reading helped me with this inside-out process.
I wasn’t being told what to do.
Instead, the guidance in the Reading was helping me discover truth within so that not only was I in charge of my life, I felt empowered to choose my path and its trajectory for myself.
Thus both life experience and experience in the Akashic Records has helped m make this fundamental shift.
No longer dependent on outside authority, I find my truth inside of me.
Learning to Live Inside-Out is included in: For Body, Mind, Heart & Soul