What’s important in your life?
I like to ask myself questions to focus on my life’s direction and to help me understand within a broad view and a closer look.
To do this I have created what I call My Nine.
I choose three related questions.
In asking the questions, I brainstorm a bit and come to three words for each question which answer the query.
I take the nine words lining them up by the questions.
First response trio on the top line, second in the middle, and third on the bottom.
I use My Nine to help me focus on whatever is on my mind or needs to be accomplished.
Here’s how I got to My Nine.
Question #1: What are my three gotta-bes in life?
First, I thought of the three elements I must be in my life. Which in a sense, is also a list of gotta-dos.
For me, these three are how I live my life.
In a way this was difficult because there are many possibilities which resonate.
I narrowed my list by choosing the three I couldn’t, in the moment, live without.
Question #2: What gets me to my three gotta-bes?
Again, a bit of doing is involved, but the focus is on being. For me these three are how I live my life.
Question #3: What are my three non-negotiable gotta-haves?
Last, I focus on what I want in my life and won’t negotiate or deny or ignore.
These provide the foundation to the other six and are like bedrock to my soul.
Again, many choices appeared.
I focused on what I know I can’t live without.
Then I stack them up, write them on a card I hang by my computer where I can see them as I work.
What are your nine?
Give it a go!
This article is part of the articles I have written on the personal aspects of growth through spiritual practice. To read more like this, check out What is Spiritual Practice?