There are some things you figure out early about yourself and others take a while to work out. I know, as I look back, in high school I felt separated from, a little different than my friends and fellow students. At the time I couldn’t pinpoint the source and often felt the tug to figure out how to fit in.
As I have gotten older, I recognize these same feelings which are now in part satisfied by exploring the road less traveled. Now I can see what was hard for me to understand back then is that not everyone is comfortable on dirt roads leading to whatever will appear beyond the horizon — both literal and metaphorical. I’ve learned that I find peace in the exploring, joy in the journey. And I’ve come to the expectation that this road business is often a solitary experience.
Today, Saturday, was a huge step away from the lonely roads because I have stumbled upon two others who thirst for the adventure of the rocky road, the dirt path, the road over the mountain and into the unknown. These two amazing human beings love the road less traveled as much as me. Adventure need not be planned. Enjoyment comes not in the destination but in the journey enhanced by the sharing of new vista and quiet valley floor.
We set out just after noon with a general plan of following a dirt road along a river and over the mountain to the coast. And then on to wherever road and spirit might lead.
The sun shining through the forest and off the rocks in the river lit our conversation. And the peaceful scene before us allowed, encouraged us to let go of any cares we might have had. There was no hurry to get somewhere. There was no anxiety that a destination had not been named. I realized how rare it was/is to be able to settle so quickly together into the peacefulness available in the adventure itself. A peaceful co-existence between friends who share the same love: the road less traveled.
And in this camaraderie with two people I had only met a week before, I did not feel strange or separate or different. And while it certainly may be that’s because I’ve come a long way in understanding myself — at the same time it is a joy that doesn’t often emerge.
There’s no fight, no demand to meet a schedule, no struggle. We just are, sharing the time and the space to enjoy this curve in the road, this right fork, now the left, wondering where that path might lead, what it would be like to come back in another season. In no more hurry, leaving the demands of schedule and daily promises behind.
Simply here, now, sharing the moment.
Life is good.
And at the end of the day, with my road friends, we very clearly shared a most excellent adventure!
To find more writing I have posted about my life experience, begin here: About Cheryl Marlene.