There is This Raw Place

There is this raw place within,

In need of cauterizing to staunch the flow.

A flow of pain, of words which fall flat

in the emptiness created by the

betrayal of trust’s fidelity.

A betrayal which eagerly pushes at a claim of responsibility misplaced:

What within brought this on?

Simply the luck of the draw?

There is this raw place within

In need of the tender care of wholeness and love.

A care which seems to have dried up long before noticed

Long before bearing to declare that love was gone and

concern was just a facade for

cowardice and the lies of hesitation.

A swift kick there, a slicing word here

Do not even begin to sink the events of a

willingness to love unconditionally the unreturned.

Especially since hope’s beginning is tarnished now

By the reality of misstated truths and deliberate misrepresentations.

There is this raw place within

In need of genuine attention for the details of truth.

A place for self’s anguished love for self.

Where hope might bloom within the light of recognition.

If missed then, will it not be missed now?

On breath held tentatively,

Learn to believe in the worth of self-trust

And a love which still willingly engages deeply and fully,

forever open to the rich possibilities of gorgeous arrows

drilling to the bedrock of love.

Oh, my horned god, where sets your foot?

Where art thou now?

What learning of love’s labors lost brings you to my door?

The red dress of my heart’s desire dances with hearts joined

in the quiet of real truth and

new eyes for the motion of trust’s new path.

No longer willing to settle

No longer willing to diminish

No longer willing to accept less than the

fully engaged power of a loyal, constant and adoring heart.


My answer, there in this raw place within,

The seeds of a new journey blooming phoenix-like

in the burning of love’s death.

Accompanied by a desire for intimate suggestion,

Whispering river’s flow and starry night pebbles

skipping across the galaxy in view of separation

connected to heart, bow and strings.

Left alone, Love lingers.

Calmly claimed, Love guides

There in this raw place within.

For more of my poetry, begin here: About Cheryl Marlene

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Cheryl Marlene
Cheryl Marlene, Akashic Mystic, is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work. She is the world’s authority on the Akashic Records and consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through readings, research, and executive programs. Student learn to access the Akashic Records through ZENITH, her comprehensive four-level learning program, and her signature classic, The Akashic Records Masterclass. In the field of consciousness, she is known as a futurist, innovator, and master teacher who delivers life-changing lessons with warmth and humor. Her powerful exploration is cutting edge -- providing you with deep insight today to ignite your vision for tomorrow.

Headshot of Cheryl Marlene, Spiritual Guide in the Akashic Records

A mystic, futurist, and trailblazer in spiritual consciousness and the Akashic Records, Cheryl is unafraid of the tough, the raw, and the real aspects of doing deep work.

Cheryl has expanded the collective understanding of the Akashic Records beyond the outdated myths of yesterday into a dynamic healing spiritual practice of divine and human consciousness. She consults in the Akashic Records with clients around the world through one-on-one sessions, extensive research, and future-driven, strategic business development.

Cheryl’s clients and students know her as a relatable, funny, everyday person who loves red dresses, urban fantasy books, and skinny margaritas. When she is not hard at work on her next book, she is on the hiking trail listening to the beauty of nature and the heartbeat of the mountain.

Through her journey, she has distilled her intention for life to these seven words: BELIEVE. Laugh. Learn. Love. Be. Become. Always.