From an energetic point of view, an Akashic Record Reading is a telling of the soul’s story within the divine knowing of this moment, here, now.
From a practical point of view, this is a moment for a person to learn truth and let go of whatever no longer serves.
Let me explain!
What is an Akashic Record Reading?
A person’s Akashic Records are opened and the person may ask questions, raise issues, release obstacles, and experience the transformation of healing balance within the energy of the Akashic Records.
Why use the word Reading?
In early monastic traditions, the lectio divina was the reverential reading aloud of scripture or holy text where the reader listened with body and mind, heart and soul, allowing the words and their vibrations of spirit to open awareness to the presence of divinity within and without.
The act of uttering sacred words with deeply meditative intention inspires connection with God, with divine source, with All That Is.
In the same spirit, a Reading is a divinely inspired, audible expression of an individual soul’s divine source, of the soul’s flow from the unknown and the unknowable.
Thus, a Reading is an inspired reading aloud of an individual’s divine soul story.
Within a Reading, three elements come together: the Reader, the Receiver, and the Reading.
When the Akashic Records are opened for a person, three elements join to create the flow of the Reading:
Receiver: the person whose records are opened is the focus of the Reading. An Akashic Record Reading is always driven by the intention of this person, the Receiver.
Reader: the person who opens the Akashic Records for the Receiver. The Reading is conducted and guided by the Akashic Records Reader within agreements and with a single focus, the Receiver.
Reading: the flow of knowing accessed, received, and transmitted by the Reader for the Receiver from the Receiver’s Akashic Records.
What is the flow of a Reading?
An Akashic Record Reading begins in the asking for a Reading. This is because everything within the Akashic Records flows through intention. In asking for a Reading, the person is establishing intention.
The person opening is the Reader who will open for someone else only when asked. The ethical framework of the Akashic Records requires that a Reader only open for another when asked.
In the asking, the music of the Reading emerges from within the divine, sacred space offered by the Reader within the Akashic Records and from within the person’s energetic soul flow.
In a Reading, both individuals come together at the point of soul potential to give form to the sacred within, releasing the binding limits of previous experience and whatever no longer serves.
The perspective of the Akashic Record Reading is to offer a different point of view, a view of life from the soul’s perspective, and to offer space and support to release whatever no longer serves.
An Akashic Record Reading always occurs in a unique moment in time.
The Reader is who she is in the moment of opening. The Receiver is who he is in the moment. Neither will be the same people in a day, month, or year.
Thus, the Reading offered and received in this moment is only possible in this moment and can never be repeated.
This unique aspect fuels the resonance of the Reading and offers the foundation for the sacred space of the Reading for both the Reader and the Receiver.
The Akashic Records may be accessed at many levels, across the entirety of the energy continuum, potential to form, spiritual to physical.
With intention and with the support of Agreements, the Reader accesses the Receiver’s Akashic Records at the Soul Point within Non-Physical Reality.
Deep access at this level means that the Reading will be offered from the soul’s point of view and not limited to a physical perspective.
It is in this sense that an Akashic Record Reading is a telling of the soul’s story within the divine knowing of this moment, here, now.
What can be asked about in my Reading?
First know that a Reading is never limited to past life information!
Instead, you may ask about any thing which is in your heart and mind to ask and explore.
I describe what is possible with these two questions:
What do you want to know?
What do you want to let go?
You may ask about all aspects of your life from career and relationships to soul calling and life direction. The only limit is what would come from someone else’s Akashic Records.
My experience is that the emphasis of knowing is very much focused on supporting your ability to trust yourself to know your truth. Responses are filled with practical ideas to know how to live your life within balance, alignment, and resonance.
Because of the healing nature of the energy of the Akashic Records, a Reading is by its very nature inherently restorative. Obstacles can be identified and released. Outdated beliefs can be exposed and re-structured to serve the best of you. Trauma can be explained and transformed.
The Reading is sacred space meant to support the forward motion of your personal truth and the release of whatever is getting in the way of you becoming your best self.
To learn more about the various Readings I offer, check out this page.
If you are wondering what to ask in a Reading, you might find my book helpful: 500 Questions to Ask the Akashic Records.
Plus, the following articles offer additional perspectives as well as responses from Readings (shared with permission).