When do I say my Affirmation?
Let’s make this easy for you to develop a strong affirmation habit. Start here:
- Say your affirmation 5 times out loud first thing in the morning.
- Say your affirmation 5 times out loud just before going to bed.
- Do this for 30 days.
This is the place to begin.
Saying the affirmation first thing fills your awareness with the new energy. Doing so as you go to sleep instills the energy in dreamtime and in your unconsciousness. Energetically, your awareness is most receptive as you wake and as you sleep.
Plus, this clearly focused effort is more likely to become habit that continues beyond the first three days when many new habits fail to continue. Get beyond the first three days and more than likely the habit of saying affirmations will take hold.
The reason to continue saying an affirmation for 30 days is simple. Any affirmation has a hold within multiple layers of personal awareness. Repetition overtime helps bring these connected layers into your awareness.
Whatever bubbles up brings new understanding and, most likely, more old stuff to let go.
In other words, saying one affirmation is not a one-and-done situation. Instead, affirmations are part of your path and a spiritual practice which supports the ebb and flow of new learning and understanding.
All affirmations change habit. When you first begin with an affirmation, you are most likely about 51% into the new habit change. When you commit to 30 days with the affirmation, you are giving yourself the opening to get to a place of complete shift into a new direction or belief.
As you work with the affirmation, what bubbles up is both new possibility and old habit asking for release. Maybe you get your work done sooner. However, a 30-day commitment anchors you into deep learning instead of a quick fix mentality.
As you work with the affirmation you can add more repetition during your day.
When you think of what was or what you want to move away from, say your affirmation. Out loud if you can or to yourself if your environment requires.
If you feel resistance to shift, say your affirmation.
If fear arises, save your affirmation.
In other words, use your affirmation to counter negative self-talk or fear you’re wrong or not enough.
There’s also something to how you say the affirmation. If you say your affirmation feeling doubt or mistrust, this will run counter to your new direction.
While if you say your affirmation with confidence and excitement, you are affecting and shifting the entirety of body, mind, heart, and soul.
Joy expands. Doubt contracts.
If doubt and mistrust persist, more than likely there is another layer asking for attention and release. Neither doubt nor mistrust are signals of a failed affirmation. Paradoxically, both are signs of moving in the direction of Hell, Yes, I Can!
Thus, when do you say your affirmation?
- Five times out loud as you will wake.
- Five times out loud as you sleep period
- Any time during the day you think of your affirmation.
- Any time doubt, resistance, or fear arises.
- For 30 days.
This is a short piece I have written for a new book on Affirmations. Read more in this column: A View from the Boundlessness.